The effect of frame rate and video information redundancy on the perceptual learning of American Sign Language gestures

AN experiment lS reported that addressed whether reductions of frame rate and information redundancy attectec{ the recognition ot American Sign Lang~~age (AS L ) geStLlt’e S that were presented in a multimedia tormat. Frame rate (30, 15,5, & 1 frames-per-second or tps ) prim~wily affected tmle ncedeci to learn the geshlres to criterion while point light presentation of gestures (versus conveotio nal video) affected recognition rates in a transfer testing condition. Contrary to conventional frame rate rLIles ot’ thumb (e.:., 10-20 fps), once trained participants were exceptional at recognizing ASL geshwes even at rates as (C>W as 5 and 1 fps. Results are discussed as they conrri bate to computer mediated learning of sign langLlage and t’rcmle rate guicielines,