Traffic simulator NETSTREAM for evaluation of CO2 emissions

This paper describes a new approaching to modeling traffic flow model of traffic simulators for evaluating CO2 emissions. So far, we have developed the traffic simulator NETSTREAM (NET̲work S̲imulator for TR̲affic E̲fficiency A̲nd M̲obility). It has been able to reproduce traffic congestions in large-scale networks because of its unique traffic flow model. This paper proposes an enhancement of the traffic flow model to add acceleration as a condition, which has a great effect on the calculation of CO2 emissions. The proposed model is then verified and validated. The results indicate that it can reproduce the acceleration which agrees closely with the actual data, while maintaining the Q-K and K-V relationships. Finally, this paper shows an example of evaluating an acceleration-control system. We confirm that the enhanced version of NETSTREAM is able to evaluate environmental improvements in large-scale networks.