ATM and the future of telecommunication networking

Telecommunication services and networks are in the process of significant change. This paper examines whether asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), thought at one time to be the only viable broadband communication protocol, providing end-to-end connectivity for all applications, still has a role to play in the evolving telecommunication environment. The paper considers the trends in network integration, the emergence of many new services, and the alternative communication protocols with which ATM must compete or interwork. It also addresses the fundamental issue of how to develop a reasonable pricing strategy for these integrated multiservice networks. Several examples are given which show how ATM is adapting to accommodate changing requirements, whilst maintaining its essential ability to transport a diverse range of services. In addition, the authors make a tentative proposal about how economic forces could be harnessed to form a new integrated service model that is compatible with a network infrastructure based upon ATM or any suitable alternative.