Large-area intensified photodiodes for ocean optics applications
Subject: INTEVAC hybrid photomultiplier vacuum tube IPD-280 with 18 mm GaAsP photocathode, imaging electron optics, ion trap and 0.5, 1.0 diameter Schottky barrier anode. Problem: Large area intensified photodiodes (IPDs) have parameters (high sensitivity, gain, speed of operation, bandwidth, low noises), which are ideal for Ocean optic applications. However, these IPDs have not enough dynamic range and lifetime. Target of objective investigation: Identify the cause for small dynamic range and short lifetime of IPDs and optimize them for Ocean Optic applications. The voltages applied to photocathode and focusing electrodes have been experimentally optimized for maximal IPD sensitivity,dynamic range, pulse rise, and transit time. The photoelectrons trajectories and ions have been simulated using SIMION 3D 7,0 software for various voltages applied to the focusing electrodes. The uniformity of the photocathode has been tested to determine the impact of ions on the photocathode. Electron and ion currents investigations have been made for both negative and positive voltages applied to the ion trap electrode. Optimizing the regime for electron focusing and minimizing the ion current impact to photocathode was determines as result of the investigation. Reducing the voltages applied to photocathode and focusing the electrodes from 8 KV to 4-6 KV decreased the ion current. In this regime, the gain of IPD does not decrease significantly and the rise time and transit time of IPD remined practically the same.