The non-equal-interval direct optimizing verhulst GM(1,1) model and its application to fatigue test

“Poor” information systems are found everywhere. The mining technology of data of known information is very important. Method model-based is an important approach. The non-equal-interval optimizing direct Verhulst GM(1,1) model was built which extended equal interval to non-equal-interval and suited for general data modeling and estimating parameters of direct Verhulst GM (1,1) by optimizing the background value. The new model need not pre-process the primitive data, accumulated generating operation (AGO) and inverse accumulated generating operation (IAGO). It is not only suited for equal interval data modeling, but also for non-equal interval data modeling. Its calculation is simple, higher accuracy and used convenient. The example shows that the novel model is simple and practical. The new model is worth expanding and applying in data processing or test on-line monitoring and other social sciences, engineering sciences.