Computer tools for spatial analysis of plant genetic resources data: 1. DIVA-GIS

Computer tools for spatial analysis of plant genetic resources data: 1. DIVA-GIS The DIVA-GIS software allows analysis of genebank and herbarium databases to elucidate genetic, ecological and geographic patterns in the distribution of crops and wild species. It useful for scientists who cannot afford generic commercial GIS software, or do not have the time to learn how to use it, and for others who require a GIS that is specifically designed for genetic resources work. Coordinate data are often absent from genebank databases, or if present are sometimes inaccurate. DIVA-GIS helps improve data quality by assigning coordinates, using a large digital gazetteer. DIVA-GIS can also be used to check existing coordinates using overlays of the collection-site and administrative boundary databases. Maps can then be made of the collection sites. Analytical functions implemented in DIVA include mapping of richness and diversity, distribution of useful traits and location of areas with complementary diversity. DIVA can also extract climate data for all terrestrial locations, which can be used to describe the environment of collection sites.