A practical second-order electromagnetic model in the quasi-specular regime based on the curvature of a ‘good-conducting’ scattering surface

Abstract This letter presents an approximate second-order electromagnetic model where polarization coefficients are surface dependent up to the curvature order in the quasi-specular regime. The scattering surface is considered ‘good-conducting’ as opposed to the case for our previous derivation where perfect conductivity was assumed. The model reproduces dynamically, depending on the properties of the scattering surface, the tangent-plane (Kirchhoff) or the first-order small-perturbation (Bragg) limits. The convergence is assumed to be ensured by the surface curvature alone. This second-order model is shown to be consistent with the small-slope approximation of Voronovich (SSA-1+SSA-2) for perfectly conducting surfaces. Our model differs from SSA-1 + SSA-2 in its dielectric expression, to correct for a full convergence toward the tangent-plane limit under the ‘good-conducting’ approximation. This new second-order formulation is simple because it involves a single integral over the scattering surface and therefore it is suitable for a vast array of analytical and numerical applications in quasi-specular applications.