A Simple Condition for the Existence of Transversals

Hall's Theorem is a basic result in Combinatorics which states that the obvious necesssary condition for a finite family of sets to have a transversal is also sufficient. We present a sufficient (but not necessary) condition on the sizes of the sets in the family and the sizes of their intersections so that a transversal exists. Using this, we prove that in a bipartite graph $G$ (bipartition $\{A, B\}$), without 4-cycles, if $\deg(v) \geq \sqrt{2e|A|}$ for all $v \in A$, then $G$ has a matching of size $|A|$.

[1]  Martin Aigner,et al.  Proofs from THE BOOK , 1998 .

[2]  M. Aigner,et al.  Proofs from "The Book" , 2001 .