An n-ary Steiner law f(x{sub 1},x{sub 2},{hor_ellipsis},x{sub n}) on a projective curve {Gamma} over an algebraically closed field k is a totally symmetric n-ary morphism f from {Gamma}{sup n} to {Gamma} satisfying the universal identity f(x{sub 1},x{sub 2},{hor_ellipsis},x{sub n-1}, f(x{sub 1},x{sub 2},{hor_ellipsis},x{sub n})) = x{sub n}. An element e in {Gamma} is called an idempotent for f if f(e,e,{hor_ellipsis},e) = e. The binary morphism x * y of the classical chord-tangent construction on a nonsingular cubic curve is an example of a binary Steiner law on the curve, and the idempotents of * are precisely the inflection points of the curve. In this paper, the authors prove that if f and g are two 5-ary Steiner laws on an elliptic curve {Gamma} sharing a common idempotent, then f = g. They use a new rule of inference rule =(gL){implies}, extracted from a powerful local-to-global principal in algebraic geometry. This rule is implemented in the theorem-proving program OTTER. Then they use OTTER to automatically prove the uniqueness of the 5-ary Steiner law on an elliptic curve. Very much like the binary case, this theorem provides an algebraic characterization of a geometric construction process involving conics and cubics. The well-known theorem of the uniqueness of the group law on such a curve is shown to be a consequence of this result.
J. Milne.
Elliptic Curves
W. McCuney.
Automated Reasoning about Cubic Curves
I. M. H. Etherington.
Quasigroups and cubic curves
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
Serge Lang,et al.
Abelian varieties
Wolfgang Wechler,et al.
Universal Algebra for Computer Scientists
EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science.
D. Mumford.
Algebraic Geometry I: Complex Projective Varieties
William McCune,et al.
OTTER 3.0 Reference Manual and Guide
R. Padmanabhan,et al.
Logic of Equality in Geometry