Introduction to special section on the Phoenix Mission: Landing Site Characterization Experiments, Mission Overviews, and Expected Science

[1] Phoenix, the first Mars Scout mission, capitalizes on the large NASA investments in the Mars Polar Lander and the Mars Surveyor 2001 missions. On 4 August 2007, Phoenix was launched to Mars from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on a Delta 2 launch vehicle. The heritage derived from the canceled 2001 lander with a science payload inherited from MPL and 2001 instruments gives significant advantages. To manage, build, and test the spacecraft and its instruments, a partnership has been forged between the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the University of Arizona (home institution of principal investigator P. H. Smith), and Lockheed Martin in Denver; instrument and scientific contributions from Canada and Europe have augmented the mission. The science mission focuses on providing the ground truth for the 2002 Odyssey discovery of massive ice deposits hidden under surface soils in the circumpolar regions. The science objectives, the instrument suite, and the measurements needed to meet the objectives are briefly described here with reference made to more complete instrument papers included in this special section. The choice of a landing site in the vicinity of 68°N and 233°E balances scientific value and landing safety. Phoenix will land on 25 May 2008 during a complex entry, descent, and landing sequence using pulsed thrusters as the final braking strategy. After a safe landing, twin fan-like solar panels are unfurled and provide the energy needed for the mission. Throughout the 90-sol primary mission, activities are planned on a tactical basis by the science team; their requests are passed to an uplink team of sequencing engineers for translation to spacecraft commands. Commands are transmitted each Martian morning through the Deep Space Network by way of a Mars orbiter to the spacecraft. Data are returned at the end of the Martian day by the same path. Satisfying the mission's goals requires digging and providing samples of interesting layers to three on-deck instruments. By verifying that massive water ice is found near the surface and determining the history of the icy soil by studying the mineralogical, chemical, and microscopic properties of the soil grains, Phoenix will address questions concerning the effects of climate change in the northern plains. A conclusion that unfrozen water has modified the soil naturally leads to speculation as to the biological potential of the soil, another scientific objective of the mission.

[1]  Raymond E. Arvidson,et al.  NASA Mars 2007 Phoenix Lander Robotic Arm and Icy Soil Acquisition Device , 2008 .

[2]  D. S. Bass,et al.  Phoenix surface mission operations processes , 2008 .

[3]  Jeffrey R. Barnes,et al.  Mesoscale and large‐eddy simulation model studies of the Martian atmosphere in support of Phoenix , 2008 .

[4]  J. Laskar,et al.  Recent ice-rich deposits formed at high latitudes on Mars by sublimation of unstable equatorial ice during low obliquity , 2004, Nature.

[5]  M. Mellon,et al.  Periglacial landforms at the Phoenix landing site and the northern plains of Mars , 2008 .

[6]  Leslie K. Tamppari,et al.  Simulating Martian boundary layer water ice clouds and the lidar measurements for the Phoenix mission , 2008 .

[7]  Urs Staufer,et al.  Magnetic properties experiments and the Surface Stereo Imager calibration target onboard the Mars Phoenix 2007 Lander: Design, calibration, and science goals , 2008 .

[8]  Paul S. Smith,et al.  Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix landing site selection and characteristics , 2008 .

[9]  D. Fisher,et al.  D/H ratio during the northern polar summer and what the Phoenix mission might measure , 2008 .

[10]  Jacques Laskar,et al.  Long term evolution and chaotic diffusion of the insolation quantities of Mars , 2004 .

[11]  David C. Catling,et al.  Temperature, pressure, and wind instrumentation in the Phoenix meteorological package , 2008 .

[12]  P. Christensen Formation of recent martian gullies through melting of extensive water-rich snow deposits , 2003, Nature.

[13]  F. Ferri,et al.  Dust devils as observed by Mars Pathfinder , 1999 .

[14]  K. Herkenhoff,et al.  Aeolian Processes at the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity Landing Site , 2005 .

[15]  Bernard H. Foing,et al.  Tropical to mid-latitude snow and ice accumulation, flow and glaciation on Mars , 2005, Nature.

[16]  Mark T. Lemmon,et al.  Properties of dust in the Martian atmosphere from the Imager on Mars Pathfinder , 1999 .

[17]  M. Malin,et al.  Evidence for recent groundwater seepage and surface runoff on Mars. , 2000, Science.

[18]  J. Callas,et al.  Root‐mean‐square surface slopes of Phoenix landing sites with 75‐cm bistatic radar received by Mars Odyssey , 2008 .

[19]  S. Larsen,et al.  Telltale wind indicator for the Mars Phoenix lander , 2008 .

[20]  W. Boynton,et al.  Maps of Subsurface Hydrogen from the High Energy Neutron Detector, Mars Odyssey , 2002, Science.

[21]  H. V. Lauer,et al.  Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer : Part of the Mars Volatile and Climate Surveyor integrated payload , 2001 .

[22]  G. Campbell,et al.  The Thermal Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) for Phoenix , 2009 .

[23]  R. J. Reid,et al.  The MVACS Surface Stereo Imager on Mars Polar Lander , 2001 .

[24]  R. Kirk,et al.  The Imager for Mars Pathfinder experiment , 1997 .

[25]  H. V. Lauer,et al.  Mars 2007 Phoenix Scout mission Organic Free Blank: Method to distinguish Mars organics from terrestrial organics , 2008 .

[26]  G. Campbell,et al.  Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) for Phoenix , 2009 .

[27]  A. McEwen,et al.  Ultrahigh resolution topographic mapping of Mars with MRO HiRISE stereo images: Meter‐scale slopes of candidate Phoenix landing sites , 2008 .

[28]  B. Clark,et al.  Effects of the Phoenix Lander descent thruster plume on the Martian surface , 2008 .

[29]  Bruce M. Jakosky,et al.  The distribution and behavior of Martian ground ice during past and present epochs , 1995 .

[30]  R. Morris,et al.  Geomorphologic and mineralogic characterization of the northern plains of Mars at the Phoenix Mission candidate landing sites , 2008 .

[31]  D. Ming,et al.  Water alteration of rocks and soils on Mars at the Spirit rover site in Gusev crater , 2005, Nature.

[32]  Allan I. Carswell,et al.  Lidar on the Phoenix mission to Mars , 2008 .

[33]  N. Cabrol,et al.  On the possibility of liquid water on present‐day Mars , 2001 .

[34]  Amitabha Ghosh,et al.  An integrated view of the chemistry and mineralogy of martian soils , 2005, Nature.

[35]  Jeffrey R. Johnson,et al.  In Situ Evidence for an Ancient Aqueous Environment at Meridiani Planum, Mars , 2004, Science.

[36]  Raymond E. Arvidson,et al.  Size-frequency distributions of rocks on the northern plains of Mars with special reference to Phoenix landing surfaces , 2008 .

[37]  D. Ming,et al.  Aeolian processes at the Mars Exploration Rover Meridiani Planum landing site , 2005, Nature.

[38]  F Forget,et al.  Formation of Glaciers on Mars by Atmospheric Precipitation at High Obliquity , 2006, Science.

[39]  Mark D. Garcia,et al.  Mission design of the Phoenix Mars Scout mission , 2008 .

[40]  P. A. J. Englert,et al.  Distribution of Hydrogen in the Near Surface of Mars: Evidence for Subsurface Ice Deposits , 2002, Science.

[41]  Scot C. R. Rafkin,et al.  Meteorological predictions for candidate 2007 Phoenix Mars Lander sites using the Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) , 2008 .

[42]  Mark T. Lemmon,et al.  Phoenix Robotic Arm Camera , 2008 .

[43]  Robert O. Reynolds,et al.  Microscopy capabilities of the Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer , 2008 .

[44]  Robert L. Tokar,et al.  Global Distribution of Neutrons from Mars: Results from Mars Odyssey , 2002, Science.