한국잔디류 기본종, 상업종 및 육종계통들의 생육속도 및 내한성 비교

This study was conducted to compare cold tolerances and growth rates of 5 basic species, commercial lines, and breeding lines of zoysiagrass. Total 41 zoysiagrasses were tested at the northern part (Jeokseong-myeon) and the middle part (Cheonan) of South Korea. Cold tolerance (survival rate during winter), growth rate, green-up speed, and density data were collected visually. Four types of zoysiagrasses (Z. matrella, Z. tenuifolia, USm, and S4M2) with genetic characteristics of Z. matrella died during winter cold, while the others survived. Midium leaf type zoysiagrasses, such as Anyang1, Samdeock1, Anyang2, SJ21, and Pyeongdong, with genetic characteristics of both Z. sinica and Z. macrostachya showed vigorous growth rate one year after planting at the northern part (Jeokseong-myeon). Twenty nine (70.7%) zoysiagrasses showed vigorous growth rate, but the other twelve (29.3%) zoysiagrasses died by cold and drought condition at the middle (Cheonan) part of S. Korea. Anyang2, AJ9-7, Samdeock1, Samdeock2, Samdeock3, and Zenith-C showed vigorous growth rate even though cold and drought environmental condition were artificially provided at these region. But, SJ2-19, NSm, 88Mey, 88Mey-7S, 88Mey-9S, SJ21-10, ASm, and DBm which did not die at the northern part, showed serious injury at the middle part of S. korea. From this results, we can conclude that drought is as important factor as low temperature for zoysiagrasses during winter.