Reduction in acetylcholine sensitivity of axotomized ciliary ganglion cells.

1. Isolated cell clusters from ciliary ganglia of 3‐ to 4‐day‐old chickens were used to examine the electrical characteristics and sensitivity to iontophoretically applied acetylcholine (ACh) of normal cells and cells that had been axotomized on the day of hatching. 2. Resting potentials, input resistances and capacitances were the same in axotomized cells as in normal cells. These averaged about 70 mV, 165 Momega and 35 pF respectively. 3. Sensitivity to iontophoretically applied ACh was lower in axotomized cells than in normal cells by a factor of about 8. The rise times of the ACh potentials were the same in the two groups; indicating that the reduced sensitivity was not due to a diffusion barrier. 4. The slopes of the dose‐reponse curves, plotted on a double‐logarithmic scale, suggested that the co‐operative action of two ACh molecules was involved in activating a post‐synaptic conductance channel. This relation was unaltered by axotomy. 5. The estimated reversal potential for the action of ACh was unchanged after axotomy. 6. Cells in isolated clusters were similar to those in intact ganlia with respect to threshold depolarization, amplitude and time course of action potentials and ability to generate repetitive action potentials. There were no differences in these characteristics between normal and axotomized cells. 7. Cells in the isolated clusters had input resistances which were larger by a factor of 2‐3 and capacitances that were smaller by a factor of about 2 than those of cells in intact ganglia. It is suggested that these differences were due to loss of initial segments of axons from the isolated cells. 8. Normal cells in the isolated clusters displayed spontaneous miniature synaptic potentials, indicating that synaptic integrity was maintained during the isolation procedure. As in intact ganglia, no spontaneous activity was observed in axotomized cells.