Dr. M. Devaraj, Former Director of CMFRI passes away
Seasonal changes in the gonads of lamellibranchs such as oysters, clams and
teridinids have been studied in detail by various workers, viz., Coe (1932 b
and 1936), Coe and Turner (1938), Loosanoff (1937 b, 1942 and 1953),
Galtsoff (1937), Orton (1933), Roughley (1933) and Quale (1943). In commercially
important forms these studies have been of immense value in their
culture and management. The present paper deals with the gonadal changes
in the adults of the backwater oyster, Ostrea (Crassostrea) madrasensis
Preston which is one of the widely distributed commercial species of bivalves
in this country.