Eddy Current Damper Design for Vibration Suppression in Robotic Milling Process

This paper presents a novel eddy current damper design for chatter suppression in robotic milling process. The designed eddy current dampers are installed on a milling spindle to damp the tool tip vibrations. The structural design of the eddy current dampers and the working principle of the proposed vibration attenuation method are explained. Finite element method is used to analyze the magnetic flux density and the magnetic force generated by the designed eddy current. The dynamics of the robotic milling system without and with eddy current dampers are modeled, and the damping performance of the proposed method is verified through simulations in both frequency and time domains. The results show that the peaks of the tool tip frequency response function caused by the spindle and milling tool modes are damped by 3.2 dB and 5.3 dB, respectively, and the chatter stability is improved by about 43% in the high spindle speed zone, compared to the case without eddy current dampers.