A bull's eye view of management and engineering information systems

Prophets of doom are apt to misquote Vannevar Bush's statement that -and-ldquo;The investigator is staggered by the findings and conclusions of thousands of other workers -and-mdash; many of which he cannot find time to grasp, much less to remember, as they appear.-and-rdquo; (3) They then extrapolate to such shrill exaggerations as -and-ldquo;The enormous gap in our capacity to store and retrieve information and at the same time meet the demands and responsibilities in our society has created the most costly and wasteful drain on our resources, which is without parallel in the entire history of mankind.-and-rdquo;(4) A milder point of view is reflected in the statement that -and-ldquo;It is certainly not true that the world is about to go to the dogs or to suffocate in its information flood unless information processing is mechanized or otherwise totally overhauled. There is, of course, no doubt that information processing, like any other conceivable human activity, could be improved.-and-rdquo;(5)