The fugacity-framework addresses multiple-media and multiple contaminant aspects of environmental site assessment. A U.S. EPA database of priority chemicals has been linked to the fugacity model for assessment of contaminant sources, transport and transformation, and exposure. Site-specific data are provided by the user. This tool provides a way for managers to visualize the behavior of toxic chemicals at a contaminated site, the effect of site-specific characteristics on contaminant distribution, the behavior of daughter products of degradation, and the associated risks to humans and the environment. The framework can be used to make decisions regarding protection of public health and the environment, site rehabilitation, and the sustainable development and economic recovery of impacted sites, The fugacity framework can be accessed at http://www,engineering .usu.eduluwrY, Utah Water Research Laboratory.
John Cairns,et al.
Estimating the hazard of chemical substances to aquatic life
Matthew MacLeod,et al.
Multimedia Environmental Models
J. Mark Parnis,et al.
Multimedia Environmental Models
Ronald C. Sims,et al.
Champion International Superfund Site, Libby, Montana: Bioremediation field performance evaluation of the prepared bed land treatment system. Final report