Presumptive design, or cutting the looking-glass cake

i n t e r a c t i o n s / j a n u a r y + f e b r u a r y 2 0 0 6 In the generally accepted approach to User Centered Design (UCD), the designer/inves-tigator researches the needs of the target population, analyzes and transforms the raw data, and then synthesizes a solution ultimately reviewed by users who determine its fitness. Reducing the " gap " between the analysis and synthesis steps is key to improving the outcome of design activities [2]. In Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass Alice faces a puzzling and paradoxical approach to serving cake [1]. A process I call Presumptive Design turns the traditional practice of UCD upside down in a similarly paradoxical way. The designer, with minimum input about the requirements for the project, creates a set of solutions, puts them in front of the target user, collects data about the fitness of the designs, and then performs analysis that feeds into an iterative cycle. Presumptive Design is based on five principles: • Design for failure—expect your solutions to always be off-target • Create, discover, analyze—create your ideas first, let users show you your errors, analyze for the next round • Make assumptions explicit—embrace your human egocentricism by explicitly exposing your assumptions to your end users and having them react • The faster you go, the sooner you know—do all of these things quickly to learn how wrong you are sooner • Iterate, iterate, iterate—do this process as long as your stamina and budget provide Each of these principles establishes a frame of mind about the proposed solutions that keeps the designer open to the needs of the user. The process is especially effective with small cross-functional teams facing limited time frames because it elicits two responses simultaneously: reaction to the specific design solution and expression of user requirements. Rapid prototyping is fundamental to pre-sumptive design as it provides an effective means of quickly expressing the design team's assumptions and intentions. Users' reaction to artifacts simultaneously uncovers their requirements while exposing the team's biases. Risks The method is not without risks. Listed below are some of the common risks that, while not unique to presumptive design, are more likely to occur because of prioritizing synthesis over analysis.