Why do some companies have success with energy efficiency

Most companies can survive on the market without carrying out specific energy efficiency activities. Nevertheless, some companies work systematically and continuously with these issues. The primary research questions are: What makes some companies focus on energy efficiency and why are they successful? The study focuses on the human and organizational dimensions of change in small and medium-sized companies. The object is to identify cultural and institutional factors, embedded in the internal organization or in the external network, which have motivated the company actors to pursue processes of change which have led to concrete implementation of energy efficiency measures. On the basis of 33 interviews a detailed understanding of the implementation process of energy efficiency in nine companies has been reconstructed. This paper presents some preliminary results of the analysis which will show different paths and types of success. The way energy-efficiency issues are perceived and organized is often a result of the general tradition and company culture. Therefore, often it is not a question that is answered specific to the particular technical and economic issue of energy efficiency. Understanding the cultural aspects of processes of change can therefore be utilized as a ground for a more differentiated and targeted usemore » of policy instruments towards the industrial sector.« less