Guidelines for the design and operation of makeup water treatment systems

These guidelines present the industry with a standardized program to ensure the optimum design and operation of their individual makeup water treatment systems. These guidelines present, in a non-technical and non-proprietary format, the makeup water treatment system design and operating topics that are discussed in detail in Volumes 1 and 2 of NP-6377-SL. The individual guidelines contained in Volumes 1 and 2 are presented as separate imperative statements, followed by a technical justification discussion, which provides further explanations. In addition and when applicable, the guidelines relate pertinent operational in regard to monitoring parameters for operation, alternative actions, troubleshooting, management responsibilities and shutdown practices. Design considerations are also addressed, when applicable, in regard to equipment cost and advantages and disadvantages for the design recommendations. Appendices provide background information for performance criteria, component description, economic evaluation procedures and definitions. 4 refs.