The contribution of knowledge bases to compliance assessment : a case study of industrial maintenance in the gas sector

The question of compliance arises for companies interested in sustainability. In trying to meet the expectations of its various stakeholders, a company determines the scope of its responsibilities, outlines its internal regulations and identifies the evaluative framework. Whatever standard the company uses, the compliance assessment of its practices should operate simply and consistently. However, it is interesting to note that this exercise appears generally complex to implement for most companies. Various alternative solutions are developed. Nevertheless, an examination of these tools reveals that for the most part, they only provide a partial solution, which is poorly suited to the deployment of an effective compliance management system. This paper therefore discusses the criteria for a knowledge base management tool, tailored to meet the various needs of businesses, which addresses the issue of compliance management from a more global angle. The context for the analysis is industrial maintenance in the gas sector. In this domain the issue of industrial safety compliance is particularly relevant, as it touches upon many sensitive issues (human, financial, infrastructure). Moreover, the nature and variety of the applicable requirements, and the characteristics of the population affected by the compliance assessment create a particularly suitable environment. The application of the analysis to this technical field makes it possible to verify general assumptions, which can be applied to less sensitive sectors. We first highlight the regulatory context that applies to industrial maintenance in the gas sector. We then present some criteria for the proposed tool, which include; a method to identify the scope of applicable requirements, a way to evaluate regulatory compliance, and an investigation of other possible applications for the results obtained. Finally, we explore the potential uses for a knowledge database, as a complement to a compliance assessment tool.