Prototype Selection for Composite Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

Combining the predictions of a set of classifiers has been shown to be an effective way to create composite classifiers that are more accurate than any of the component classifiers. Increased accuracy has been shown in a variety of real-world applications, ranging from protein sequence identification to determining the fat content of ground meat. Despite such individual successes, the answers are not known to fundamental questions about classifier combination, such as "Can classifiers from any given model class be combined to create a composite classifier with higher accuracy?" or "Is it possible to increase the accuracy of a given classifier by combining its predictions with those of only a small number of other classifiers?". The goal of this dissertation is to provide answers to these and closely related questions with respect to a particular model class, the class of nearest neighbor classifiers. We undertake the first study that investigates in depth the combination of nearest neighbor classifiers. Although previous research has questioned the utility of combining nearest neighbor classifiers, we introduce algorithms that combine a small number of component nearest neighbor classifiers, where each of the components stores a small number of prototypical instances. In a variety of domains, we show that these algorithms yield composite classifiers that are more accurate than a nearest neighbor classifier that stores all training instances as prototypes. The research presented in this dissertation also extends previous work on prototype selection for an independent nearest neighbor classifier. We show that in many domains, storing a very small number of prototypes can provide classification accuracy greater than or equal to that of a nearest neighbor classifier that stores all training instances. We extend previous work by demonstrating that algorithms that rely primarily on random sampling can effectively choose a small number of prototypes.

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