Multiple criteria decision making in the new millennium : proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Ankara, Turkey, July 10-14, 2000

Evolution Toward a New State of Multi-criteria Decision Making.- The Seven Pillars of the Analytic Hierarchy Process.- Learning Aspects of Decision Aids.- Information Overload: A Decision Making Perspective.- What is the Relative Importance of Criteria and how to Use it in MCDM.- Decision-Maker Centred MCDM: Some Empirical Tests and their Implications.- Comparing Numerical and Verbal Decision Analysis Using an Arctic Resource Management Problem.- On Testing Performance of a Negotiation Procedure in Distributed Environment.- An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Multicriteria Model Selection.- A New Technique to Compare Algorithms for Bi-criteria Combinatorial Optimization Problems.- Multi-attribute Sorting of Qualitative Objects in Multiset Spaces.- Classification of Nondominated Solutions in Multiple Objective Linear Integer Programming Problems.- Competence Set Analysis: An Effective Means to Solve Non-trivial Decision Problems.- Distributed Database Design Using Multiple Criteria: A New Method.- PRIME Decisions: An Interactive Tool for Value Tree Analysis.- Using Intervals for Global Sensitivity Analyses in Multiattribute Value Trees.- Characterization of the Benson Proper Efficiency and Scalarization in Nonconvex Vector Optimization.- Problems in Scalarizing Multicriteria Approaches.- Decision Analysis of the Interval-Valued Multiobjective Linear Programming Problems.- Computing Nadir Values in Three Objectives.- Multiple Objective Genetic Local Search Algorithm.- Bounds and Bound Sets for Biobjective Combinatorial Optimization Problems.- Quick Evaluation of the Efficient Solution Set for the Biobjective Knapsack Problem.- An Interactive Genetic Algorithm Applied to the Multiobjective Knapsack Problem 265.- Evolutionary Algorithms for Multicriteria Optimization of Program Module Allocations.- Treating Ordinal Criteria in Stochastic Weight Space Analysis.- Modification of the Nominal Group Technique by Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process.- The Priorities Aggregation Approach in Unequal Power Group Decision Making.- Solving a Co-operative Two-person Game under Uncertainty Using Multiple Criteria Optimization.- A Multi-criteria Model for Warehouse Layout Design.- Multi-objective Optimization of Lot Size Balancing for Multi-products Selective Disassembly.- An Internet System to Apply the Balanced Scorecard Concept to Supply Chain Management.- Prioritizing Clean-up of Contaminated Lightstation Sites.- Environmental Application of the Feasible Goals Method: Screening of Water Quality Improvement Strategies.- Choosing a Reparation Method for a Landfill by Using the SMAA-O Multicriteria Method.- Personnel Selection Using a Fuzzy MCDM Approach Based on Ideal and Anti-ideal Solutions.- A Decision Model, via Integer Goal Programming, for Hiring and Promoting Staff in the Departments of a University.- Multiple Attribute Probabilistic Assessment of the Performance of Some Airlines.- Data Mining in Credit Card Portfolio Management: A Multiple Criteria Decision Making Approach.- Issues in the Development of a Multi-objective GA to Optimise Traffic Signal Controller Parameters.- From a Data Base to a Reference for Workplace Accident Prevention.- A Multi-criteria Approach for Power Generation Expansion Planning.- Integrated Approaches for Determining the Turkish Naval Force Structure by Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Goal Programming Methods.- List of Reviewers.- Author Index.