Tolerati'ng, Malici'ous Moni*to-rs i*n D1r~etecting

Thispaper considers amulti-agent system andfocuses uponwhether anagent misbehaves ornot. Everynodebroad- onthedetection ofmotion misbehavior. Previous workbytheauthors casts its"view" ofthesystem inorder toenrich thelimited proposed asolution, whereagents actaslocal monitors oftheirsensing capabilities oftheneighbors. Asmalicious agents are neighbors anduselocally sensed information aswellasdata receivedsensintiestenorsasmaliciou antser fromother monitors. Inthis work, weconsider possible failure of present vithesystem, everynodehastovcalidate another monitors that maysend incorrect information totheir neighbors due agent's view. Validation isbasedontwocriteria: itmustnot tospontaneous orevenmalicious malfunctioning. Inthis context, beincontrast withthephysical dynamics ofthesystem and wepropose adistributed software architecture that isable totolerate itmustbeagreed uponbyamajority ofagents deemednon such failures. Effectiveness oftheproposed solution isshown through malicious bytheagents. preliminlary simulation results. Security andsafety arecrucial challenges inmulti-agent