One of the best methods of learning in programming courses depends on practical exercises. But preparing, collecting and grading homework manually takes time. When the number of students increases the number of homework given reduces. This reduces effectiveness of whole course. One way to solve this problem is distributing homework through an automatic grading system and getting back fast feedback. This paper describes such a system that grades programming homework automatically. This system is using test driven software development methods and technologies that are being used by those methods. This system is tested with 8 homework in a course with 36 students and the results are discussed in this paper. software testing; TDD; programming assignment; automated grading; unit testing
Kent L. Beck,et al.
Test-driven Development - by example
The Addison-Wesley signature series.
Christopher G. Jones.
Test-driven development goes to school
Li-Ren Chien,et al.
An evaluation of TDD training methods in a programming curriculum
2008 IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education.
Stephen H. EDWARDS.
Using Test-Driven Development in the Classroom : Providing Students with Automatic , Concrete Feedback on Performance
Stephen H. Edwards.
Rethinking computer science education from a test-first perspective