Optimal job routine assignment for the improvement of operational resilience based on skills and knowledge of production staff in the chemical industry

In the chemical industry, a member of the production staff, who engages in the daily routine, is able to improve the productivity by exercising his/her skills. As the level of skills and knowledge of the production staff is different from person to person, it is difficult to judge whether the production staff follows the suitable routine or not. If each member of the staff can be occupied in the most suitable routine, the total work hours will be minimized. In this paper, it is confirmed the possibility to assign the routine jobs to three members of the staff, so that the total work hours decrease without the reduction of the overall value of skills. Therefore, the produced margin of work hours can be used to improve skills and knowledge and to master new ones, leading to the progress of the productivity of production process. As the result of this procedure, the operational resilience, which is the capacity to restrain the negative effects on the production process, will also be improved.