Behavior of an Inversion-Based precipitation Retrieval Algorithm with High-Resolution AMPR Measurements Including a Low-Frequency 10.7-GHz Channel

Abstract A microwave-based, profile-type precipitation retrieval algorithm has been used to analyze high-resolution passive microwave measurements over an ocean background, obtained by the Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer(AMPR) flown on ANASA ER-2 aircraft. The analysis is designed to first determine the improvements that can be gained by adding brightness temperature information from the AMPR low-frequency channel (10.7 GHz) to a multispectral retrieval algorithm nominally run with satellite information at 19, 37, and 85 GHZ. The impact of spatial resolution degradation of the high-resolution brightness temperature information on the retrieved rain/cloud liquid water contents and ice water contents is then quantified in order to assess the possible biases inherent to satellite-bawd retrieval. The tests are conducted on a dataset obtained during a preliminary flight experiment that took place on 18 October 1990 over a Gulf of Mexico squall line that developed south of the Florida Panhandle. Car...