Canopy modeling and validation for row planted crops of key growth stages

Row planted crop is the transitional crop type with the discrete structure and continuous structure. There are different canopy structures for different growth stages. The canopy structure will transfer from row structure to continuous structure around the elongth growth stages. Furthermore, the elongth growth stage is key growth stages for the crop. For parameter inversion, it is significant to propose the key growth stages to simplify the model selection and to improve the parameters inversion accuracy. We put the object on one row period for the similar structure of the row planted crop. For each period, four components (sunlit vegetation and soil; viewed vegetation and soil) can be computed based on the bidirectional gap probability model, and structure parameters (W (row width), H (row height), S (row spacing), etc.) and view and solar zenith/azimuth angles. At the same time, the equivalent radiance for vegetation and soil from direct illuminated light and from the diffused and multi-scatted light will be computed. The key growth stages model (KGSM) is the sum of the four component radiance which is the product of each component area and the corresponding equivalent radiance. Through the validation based on the RGM and SAILH model, the canopy bidirectional reflectance can be simulated based the KGSM. The model validation is also done for experiment measurement.

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