Development of an Ion Thruster and Power Processor for New Millennium's Deep Space 1 Mission

James S. Sovey, John A. Hamley, Thomas W. Haag, Michael J. Patterson, Eric J. Pencil,Todd T. Peterson, Luis R. Pinero, John L. Power, Vincent K. Rawlin, and Charles J. SarmientoNASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OhioJohn R. Anderson, Raymond A. Becker, John R. Brophy, and James E. PolkJet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CaliforniaGerald Benson, Thomas A. Bond, G. I. Cardwell, Jon A. Christensen, Kenneth J. Freick,David J. Hamel, Stephen L. Hart, John McDowell, Kirk A. Norenberg, T. Keith Phelps,Ezequiel Solis, and Harold YostHughes Electron Dynamics Division, Torrance, CaliforniaMichael MatrangaSpectrum Astro Incorporated, Gilbert, ArizonaPrepared for the33rd Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibitcosponsored by AIAA, ASME, SAE, and ASEESeattle, Washington, July 6-9, 1997National Aeronautics andSpace AdministrationLewis Research Center