On the agalactia post partum in the sow. A clinical study.

The purpose of the present investigation was to study the clinical symptoms of agalactic sows post partum in randomly selected swine herds. The study comprised 71 sows affected with agalactia post partum and 71 healthy sows from the same herds used as controls. Average morbidity of the disease in these 50 herds, consisting of an average of 25 sows, was 12.8%. Sixty-three per cent of the agalactic sows were affected within one day after farrowing. There was no difference in gestation length between healthy sows and agalactic sows. The body temperature was significantly higher for affected than for healthy sows. Mastitis was diagnosed in 35 out of 71 agalactic sows. The criteria for mastitis were swelling and herdening of one or several udder glands. Vaginal discharge was recorded for affected sows (55/57) as well as for healthy sows (51/58) and is therefore not significantly associated with agalactia. The temperament of the agalactic sows was moderately or severely affected in 62 out of 71 agalactic sows. Constipation was recorded for 13/59 agalactic sows and for 3/57 normal sows. The agalactic sows had significantly higher number of piglets per litter at birth while the litter size was higher for healthy sows at weaning. Numerically, more sows were culled among agalactic sows (16/48) than among normal sows (6/42). Moreover, sows affected with agalactia at the previous parturition were more inclined to meet with the disease at the next parturition. Further studies comprising large groups of animals are, however, necessary for evaluation of this question.