Global Database on Donation and Transplantation: goals, methods and critical issues (

The Global Database on Donation and Transplantation represents the most comprehensive source to date of worldwide data concerning activities in organ donation and transplantation derived from official sources, as well as information on legal and organizational aspects. The objectives are to collect, analyse and disseminate this kind of information of the WHO Member States and to facilitate a network of focal persons in the field of transplantation. They are responsible for providing the legislative and organizational aspects and the annual activity practices through a specific questionnaire. 104 out of the 194 WHO Member States that cover the 90% of the global population contribute to this project.Although we know the numerous limitations and biases as a result of the different interpretations of the questions, based on cultural factors and language, there is no other similar approach to collect information on donation and transplantation practices all over the world. The knowledge of demand for transplantation, availability of deceased and living donor organs and the access to transplantation is essential to monitor global trends in transplantation needs and donor organ availability. Information regarding the existence of regulatory oversight is fundamental to ensure the ethical practice of organ donation and transplantation.