This paper presents the method and results of a study whose objective was to investigate the seismic performance of a new light- frame cold-formed steel-frame system. The system includes floor trusses, open panels, V-braced panels, columns, and connections. To do this, aseriesofreversed-cyclictestswereconductedonsubassemblies.Theresultsofthisexperimentalprogramprovidedinsightintothebehaviorof the subassemblies under cyclic loading, which in turn provided key information for numerical modeling of the subassemblies and the whole systemaswellasfailuremechanismsoftheframe.Nonlineartimehistoryanalyseswereperformedusinganewformulation fora4-storyframe usingasuiteofearthquakegroundmotionstodemonstratethebehaviorofatypicalV-bracedsysteminamoderateearthquake.Bothtestresults andnumericalanalysisindicatethatthesystemhasgoodductilityasaresultofthescrewedplateconnectionsbetweenthelight-gaugemembers and between the light-gauge members and square columns. The frame system performed very well at four stories making it a viable midrise construction option in seismic regions of the United States and around the world. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000683. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers. CE Database subject headings: Cold-formed steel; Bracing; Earthquake loads; Steel frames; Seismic effects. Author keywords: Cold-formed steel; V-brace; Earthquake loading; Light frame; light-gauge steel; Seismic performance.
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