ASM'15: The 1st International Workshop on Affect and Sentiment in Multimedia

In recent years, there has been a dramatic proliferation of research on multimedia retrieval and indexing based on highly subjective concepts such as emotion, sentiment, preference and aesthetics [1, 2, 4, 5]. These retrieval methods are considered human-centered, intuitive, and beyond the conventional keywordor object-based retrieval paradigm. In addition, the problem is considered challenging because it requires multidisciplinary understanding of human behavior and perception as well as multimodal integration of different modalities (music, image, video, text) for better performance. The challenges in affective multimedia analysis are not limited to the technical problems but also to the way we use and assess emotional concepts, representations and responses. Therefore, research in affective analysis should pay a careful attention to the definitions, limitations and the developments in the psychology of emotions [3]. ASM workshop provides a forum to present and discuss the emerging field of affect and sentiment analysis in multimedia. Unlike the affect and social signal processing track at the main conference, we focus mainly on multimedia content analysis and its applications for automatic sentiment and affective analysis. Being a workshop, we also provide more space for focused discussions.