Numerical evaluation of human exposure to EMP signals

SAVELEC (SAfe control of non cooperative Vehicles through ELECtromagnetic means) is a public funded project within the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission investigating how to slow down and/or stop a vehicle by disrupting some key electronic components, through the use of electromagnetic pulses (EMP) or high power microwaves (HPM), without any consequences on its occupants or any collateral damage. In the project, the effect of the EM signals on the operator, the car occupants and pedestrian bystanders are thoroughly studied, by analyzing human exposure through numerical simulation. Full-wave 3D EM simulations with Empire XCcelTM are used to calculate the exposure to these EMP/HPM fields. These simulations will to ensure that the recommended safety limits established by ICNIRP for the exposure to EM waves will not be exceeded.