Measurements of π ± , K ± , K 0 S , Λ and proton production in proton–carbon interactions at 31 GeV/ c with the NA61/SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS

Measurements of hadron production in p + C interactions at 31 GeV/ c are performed using the NA61/ SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS. The analysis is based on the full set of data collected in 2009 using a graphite target with a thickness of 4 % of a nuclear interaction length. Inelastic and production cross sections as well as spectra of π ± , K ± , p, K 0 S and Λ are measured with high precision. These measurements are essential for improved calculations of the initial neutrino fluxes in the T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. A comparison of the NA61/SHINE measurements with predictions of several hadroproduction models is presented.

M. Vassiliou | H. Dembinski | T. Palczewski | A. Blondel | S. Luise | A. Ereditato | V. Kolesnikov | E. Richter-Was | A. Panagiotou | G. Vesztergombi | W. Dominik | S. Débieux | D. Kolev | R. Tsenov | Z. Fodor | T. Nakadaira | A. Brandin | P. Seyboth | A. Wilczek | H. Mathes | M. Deveaux | B. Messerly | Z. Włodarczyk | S. Bunyatov | B. Popov | G. Mills | C. Pistillo | V. Lyubushkin | M. Rybczynski | V. Paolone | A. Marino | E. Zimmerman | T. Antičić | R. Renfordt | A. Rustamov | I. Selyuzhenkov | V. Vechernin | G. Stefanek | F. Guber | M. Szuba | L. Vinogradov | G. Feofilov | D. Larsen | V. Kondratiev | T. Drozhzhova | A. Taranenko | N. Abgrall | F. Bay | A. Bravar | J. Dumarchez | D. Kiełczewska | A. Korzenev | K. Kowalik | A. Marchionni | S. Murphy | K. Nishikawa | M. Ravonel | A. Robert | E. Rondio | A. Rubbia | K. Sakashita | T. Sekiguchi | M. Tada | K. Yarritu | A. Haesler | M. Hierholzer | M. Nirkko | M. Posiadała-Zezula | A. Redij | D. Sgalaberna | L. Zambelli | K. Grebieszkow | S. Igolkin | M. Slodkowski | S. Puławski | D. Joković | M. Bogomilov | D. Veberič | T. Hasegawa | J. Stepaniak | S. Johnson | A. Krasnoperov | A. Hervé | A. Ivashkin | M. Koziel | D. Röhrich | W. Rauch | M. Golubeva | M. Gazdzicki | H. Ströbele | T. Czopowicz | A. Sadovsky | A. Kurepin | K. Kadija | B. Baatar | G. Melkumov | V. Tereshchenko | V. Matveev | M. Naskręt | Y. Ali | A. Aduszkiewicz | M. Pavin | N. Antoniou | A. Seryakov | D. Tefelski | F. Diakonos | M. Maćkowiak-Pawłowska | E. Andronov | S. Kowalski | A. Wojtaszek-Szwarć | A. László | M. Kuich | B. Maksiak | T. Matulewicz | K. Schmidt | O. Wyszynski | Z. Majka | P. Staszel | R. Engel | R. Ulrich | J. Brzychczyk | O. Busygina | N. Davis | K. Dynowski | A. Grzeszczuk | A. Kapoyannis | E. Kaptur | M. Lewicki | A. Marcinek | K. Márton | B. Rumberger | L. Turko | J. Kisiel | P. Christakoglou | M. Roth | A. Damyanova | O. Petukhov | R. Planeta | A. Tefelska | S. Mrówczyński | J. Puzović | A. Malakhov | T. Susa | R. Sarnecki | T. Kobayashi | Y. Nagai | M. Unger | J. Blümer | D. Manić | S. Morozov | M. Shibata | T. Šuša | M. Rybczyński