Physiological characterization of a robust survival rodent fMRI method.

Anesthetics are commonly used in preclinical functional MRI studies. It is well-appreciated that proper choice of anesthetics is of critical importance for maintaining a physiologically normal range of autonomic functioning. A recent study, using a low dose of dexmedetomidine (active isomer of medetomidine) in combination with a low dose of isoflurane, suggested stable measurements across repeated fMRI experiments in individual animals with each session lasting up to several hours. The rat default mode network has been successfully identified using this preparation, indicating that this protocol minimally disturbs brain network functions. However, medetomidine is known to cause peripheral vasoconstriction, respiratory suppression, and bradycardia, each of which could independently confound the BOLD signal. The goal of this study was to systematically characterize physiological conditions for fMRI experiments under this anesthetic regimen. To this end, we acquired somatosensory stimulation "task-evoked" and resting-state fMRI to evaluate the integrity of neurovascular coupling and brain network function during three time windows (0-30min, 30-90min, and 90-150min) following dexmedetomidine initiation. Results demonstrate that both evoked BOLD response and resting-state fMRI signal remained stable during the 90-150min time window, while autonomic physiological parameters maintained near-normal conditions during this period. Our data suggest that using a spontaneously-inhaled, low dose of isoflurane in combination with a continuous low dose of dexmedetomidine is a viable option for longitudinal imaging studies in rats.

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