Computational Film Cooling Methods for Gas Turbine Airfoils

Abstract : A previously documented CFD methodology is further generalized and applied to realistic turbine airfoil film cooling test cases. First, a series of fundamental test cases are examined in order to document the ability of the robust and practical CFD methodology to deal with the effects of the individually isolated key physics mechanisms on film cooling. These include: (1) favorable and adverse pressure gradients; (2) convex curvature; (3) horseshoe vortex; (4) profile losses with and without coolant jets; (5) laminar-to-turbulent boundary layer transition; and (6) discontinuities. Second, in addition to the fundamental flow test cases, two turbine airfoil cascade, one low subsonic and another transonic, configurations were modeled. The subsonic cascade case was designed to study the aerodynamics losses with and without film cooling jets, as well as, the adiabatic effectiveness for a range of parameters. The transonic turbine cascade represents a truly modern design at realistic engine conditions. A total of 18 test configurations, corresponding to compound-round, axial-shaped, and compound-shaped film holes, are simulated in order to document in detail the current state of the readily available robust and practical CFD technology for use by the gas turbine design community.