AUTOSAR Methodology를 이용한 제어기 개발
Automotive software market is quantitatively growing very fast. Even now, various convenience equipment and new concept of ECU is being developed. In addition, pre-existing mechanical devices are replaced to smart electronic devices. This quantitative expansion has increased that the cost of software development and it make more defects. Under these environments, The OEM and Tier are cooperating with each other in software development and verification. Europe-based OEMs are making ASPICE through HIS (Hersteller Initiative Software) Consortium. And automotive industry is making ISO26262. Also they make automotive software standard at the AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture) Consortium. Currently, many OEMs are AUTOSAR based development and mass production. In the AUTOSAR the Tiers Role is different. It depends on their ability and competencies. So some of the major Tier is developing System based ECU that is consisting of Several ECU. In this paper we explain our experience about system architecture based ECU development using AUTOSAR methodology. We were working on a project with four perspectives. First system architecture including body domain, Second ECU development with AUTOSAR tool chain, Third model based SWC development, Fourth ECU and System Testing.