Mechanical characterization of adobe masonry walls

Many of the existing adobe constructions in Aveiro district are in the imminence of ruin, due to pronounced structural damage. This generalized negligence results, on one hand, from the lack of sensibility for the importance of preservation of this cultural and historical heritage and, on the other hand, from the limited existing knowledge concerning the mechanical behaviour and structural pathologies of these structures. In this context, it is recognised the urgency for the development of research work in the structural analysis, rehabilitation and strengthening of this important legacy. To help filling the technical information gap concerning the structural behaviour of adobe constructions, a group of researchers from the University of Aveiro has been developing studies and tests regarding the mechanical characterization of the material components and of the adobe masonry structural elements. This article describes tests conducted on small wallets that were constructed at reduced scale (1:3) with materials representative of those found in existing constructions, and presents the principal obtained results, discussing them. These wallets have been submitted to compression tests, perpendicular and diagonal to the bed joints. The achieved results help on the structural behaviour characterization of existing adobe masonry structures, and can thus support future rehabilitation and strengthening interventions, and even support the design and execution of new edifications. Introduction Adobe is a construction material that possesses many attractive characteristics. It is a low cost material, locally available, biodegradable, reusable, suited to a wide range of soils, presents excellent thermal and acoustic properties, and is associated to quite simple and expeditious constructive methods that only require a small consume of energy. It is indeed an economically viable material, and its use respects the environmental equilibrium. Adobe traditional constructions, however, if not properly designed and strengthened, may present a deficient structural behaviour, namely when subjected to cyclic actions, as those induced by earthquakes, suffering severe structural damage and frequently reaching collapse. Aveiro district possesses a vast traditional adobe constructed park, which constitutes an important architectonic and cultural heritage (Fig. 1). This constructed park, although, is not properly reinforced to resist to seismic actions, suffering of various structural anomalies and deficiencies. Structural rehabilitation of the existing adobe constructions in Aveiro district is thus demanded, and constitutes an urgent matter. To support future rehabilitation and strengthening projects, technical studies for the determination of properties and characteristics of the mechanical behaviour of the existing adobe constructions are necessary [1]. Figure 1: Examples of existing adobe constructions in Aveiro. Mechanical Characterization of Small Wallets Introduction. A research group of the Civil Engineering Department, from the University of Aveiro, has been developing studies and experimental tests to aid filling the technical information gap concerning the structural behaviour of existing adobe constructions. Small wallets, constructed at scale 1:3, with representative materials of those found in existing adobe constructions, were subjected to compression tests, perpendicularly and diagonally to the bed joints. Specimens Construction and Testing. To estimate the compressive and shear strength of adobe traditional masonry walls, 13 small wallets with 17×17×10cm were constructed and submitted to compression tests, perpendicular to the bed joints and diagonally (Fig. 2). a) b) Figure 2: Compression tests on small wallets, a) perpendicular and b) diagonal to the bed joints. Wallets were constructed at a reduced scale (1:3). Wallets were fabricated with prismatic adobe blocks with dimensions 17x10x5cm, extracted from adobe units taken from three existing constructions (house 5, house 10 and wall 10). The mortar used has a similar composition than the traditionally used in adobe constructions. The adobe units had an average compressive strength in the range between 0.77 and 1.72MPa, and the mortar an average compressive strength of 1.42MPa. In the wallets, adobe blocks are disposed in three horizontal layers. The upper and lower layers are constituted by an entire block with dimensions 17x10x5cm, and the middle layer by two halves with a vertical joint in between (Fig. 2). The joints’ thickness is proportional (1:3) to the joints typically found in existing adobe constructions (1cm, approximately). Results Presentation and Interpretation. Shear and compressive strength, elasticity modulus and strain at peak strength of each wallet were estimated from the stress vs. strain curves obtained in the compression tests. The shear strength (SS) is calculated, for each wallet, using Eq. 1 [2]: S n 0.707 P S A ⋅ = . (1) where P is the load at failure, and An is the net area of the specimen. An is calculated using Eq. 2: n l h A 2 + = ⋅ ⋅ t n . (2) where t is the wallet thickness, l and h the face dimensions, and n is the solid fraction of the specimen gross area (in this case, n = 1, as the adobe blocks are solid). The compressive strength (SC) is calculated, for each wallet, using Eq. 3: