Nomenclature for Factors of the HLA System, 1996

This article is also accessible online at: Dr. Julia G. Bodmer ICRF Cancer and Immunogenetics Laboratory, Institute of Molecular Medicine John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU (UK) Tel. 1865-222361, Fax 1865-222384 E-Mail julia The WHO Nomenclature Committee for factors of the HLA system met in the Institut Biomédical des Cordeliers, in Paris in June 1996 after the 12th International Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference to consider additions and revisions to the nomenclature of specificities defined by both molecular and serological techniques following the principles established in previous reports [1–13]. The main subjects discussed were: (1) the naming of new genes within the HLA region, (2) naming of new alleles, (3) naming of alleles with altered levels of expression, (4) naming of serological specificities, (5) funding of the Nomenclature Report and Sequence Database.

[1]  J. Granados,et al.  A novel HLA‐B35 (B*3517) allele found in a Mexican of Otomi descent , 1996 .

[2]  D. Monos,et al.  Identification of DRB1 allele (DRB1*1316) with aspartate at position 86: evolutionary considerations and functional implications. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[3]  G. Sirchia,et al.  Identification of a new DRB1 allele (DRB1*1325) by PCR-SSP and DNA sequencing. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[4]  Julia G. Bodmer,et al.  Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 1987. , 1988, Tissue antigens.

[5]  F. Muntoni,et al.  A new allelic variant of HLA-DRB1*1101 (DRB1*11013) segregating in a Sardinian family. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[6]  M. Andrien,et al.  B*78022, a new Caucasian member within the B78 family. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[7]  N. Rufer,et al.  Sequence of a new HLA-B7 variant, B*0707, that differs from the common B*0702 allele by one single residue in the peptide binding groove. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[8]  K. Tokunaga,et al.  A novel HLA-B27 allele (B*2711) encoding an antigen reacting with both B27- and B40-specific antisera. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[9]  A. Begovich,et al.  Six new DPB1 alleles identified in a study of 1,302 unrelated bone marrow donor-recipient pairs. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[10]  Arne Svejgaard,et al.  Nomenclature for Factors of the HLA System, 1990 , 1991, Tissue antigens.

[11]  X. Gao,et al.  A novel HLA-A*24 (A*2410) identified in a Javanese population. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[12]  Y. Taketani,et al.  HLA-G gene polymorphism in a Japanese population , 1996, Immunogenetics.

[13]  L. Baxter‐Lowe,et al.  Nucleotide sequence for HLA-A*0221 which encodes a novel HLA class I polymorphic residue. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[14]  C. Hurley,et al.  Diversity and evolution of the DRB1*03 family: description of DRB1*03022,*0307,*0308. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[15]  D. Watkins,et al.  HLA-B alleles of the Navajo: no evidence for rapid evolution in the Nadene. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[16]  C. Bordignon,et al.  Sequencing of a new HLA-A*32 subtype (A*3202) , 1996, Immunogenetics.

[17]  P. Stastny,et al.  Full cDNA of a novel HLA-B39 subtype, B*39061. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[18]  H. Fukushima,et al.  A new HLA-DQB1*0306 allele sharing motifs from DQB1*03032 and DQB1*04 sequences. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[19]  D. Monos,et al.  Brief communication New DRB 1*1120 allele; another example of the transition between the DR11 and DR13 families of alleles , 1996 .

[20]  G. Jannes,et al.  Characterization of a new DRB4 allele (DRB4*0104). , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[21]  C. Réveillère,et al.  A new DRB1 allele (DRB1*1125) sharing DR11 and DR8 sequence motifs. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[22]  O. Olerup,et al.  A novel DRB1*13 allele (DRB1*1327) on a DR17, DQ2 haplotype with a DRB1*0301 sequence motif in the 2nd hyperpolymorphic region. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[23]  T. Sasazuki,et al.  DNA typing of the HLA-A gene: population study and identification of four new alleles in Japanese. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[24]  A. Hughes,et al.  Cw*1701, a new HLA-C allelic lineage with an unusual transmembrane domain. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[25]  J. Trejaut,et al.  A novel DRB1 allele (DRB1*0815) defined in an Australian Aborigine. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[26]  N. Adami,et al.  Sequence of a new HLA-DR4 allele with an unusual residue at position 88 that does not seem to affect T-cell allo recognition. , 1996, Human immunology.

[27]  T. Sasazuki,et al.  Different contribution of HLA-DR and -DQ genes in susceptibility and resistance to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[28]  Y. Taketani,et al.  Correction of the HLA-G*01012 genomic sequence. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[29]  R. Blasczyk,et al.  Structural definition of the A*74 group: implications for matching in bone marrow transplantation with alternative donors. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[30]  Julia G. Bodmer,et al.  Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 1989. , 1990, Vox sanguinis.

[31]  K. Tadokoro,et al.  Identification and DNA typing of two Cw7 alleles (Cw*0702 and Cw*0704) in Japanese, with the corrected sequence of Cw*0702. , 1996, Human immunology.

[32]  P. Keown,et al.  A novel DRβ1∗03 allele identified by polymerase chain reaction—Restriction fragment length polymorphism , 1996 .

[33]  H. Inoko,et al.  Analysis on allelic variation of the HLA-DMB gene in Japanese by PCR-RFLP as well as direct DNA sequencing and identification of a new DMB allele, DMB*0105. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[34]  J. García-Pacheco,et al.  Complete coding region of the new HLA-DQB1*0612 allele, obtained by RT-PCR. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[35]  C. Bordignon,et al.  HLA-A*02 subtype distribution in Caucasians from northern Italy: identification of A*0220. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[36]  J. Mcfadyean,et al.  Imperial Cancer Research Fund , 1907, Nature.

[37]  M. Barnardo,et al.  HLA-B*5603: sequence of a novel hybrid allele comprising B*56 and B*4601 segments. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[38]  伊達 是志 DNA typing of the HLA-A gene : population study and identification of four new alleles in Japanese , 1998 .

[39]  E. Donadi,et al.  Six new DR52-associated DRB1 alleles, three of DR8, two of DR11, and one of DR6, reflect a variety of mechanisms which generate polymorphism in the MHC. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[40]  H. Erlich,et al.  DPB1*5901a: a novel HLA-DPB1 allele from a Caucasian family with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[41]  J. Bodmer,et al.  HLA-A *2607: sequence of a novel A*26 subtype predicted by DNA typing which shares the MA2.1 epitope with A*02, B*57 and B*58. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[42]  L. Baxter‐Lowe,et al.  Brief Communication Sequence of DRB1*1601 , 1997 .

[43]  P. Parham,et al.  HLA-C typing of eleven Papua New Guineans: identification of an HLA-Cw4/Cw2 hybrid allele. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[44]  W. Hildebrand,et al.  Novel alleles HLA-B*7802 and B*51022: evidence for convergency in the HLA-B5 family. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[45]  L. Baxter‐Lowe,et al.  Nucleotide sequence of HLA-B*5505, which expresses a unique HLA class I polymorphism. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[46]  K. Tadokoro,et al.  A new HLA-DR8 subtype showing unusual serological reaction and the confirmatory sequence of DRB1*0809. , 1995, Tissue antigens.

[47]  P. Parham,et al.  A novel recombinant HLA-B*39 allele (B*3910) in a South African Zulu. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[48]  Z. Layrisse,et al.  Primary structure of a novel HLA-B39 allele (B*3909) from the Warao Indians of Venezuela. Further evidence for local HLA-B diversification in South America. , 1995, Tissue antigens.

[49]  D. Middleton,et al.  A new HLA-B51 allele, B*5107 in RCE55 detected and characterized by PCR-SSOP, cloning and nucleotide sequence determination. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[50]  P. Stastny,et al.  Complete cDNA sequence of B*4406, an HLA-B allele containing sequences of B*5101 and B*4402. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[51]  P. Wernet,et al.  A novel HLA-DRB1*11 allele (DRB1*1127). , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[52]  K. Tokunaga,et al.  A novel allele, Cw*1702 with serological Cw2 specificity. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[53]  A. Fogdell-Hahn,et al.  DQB1*0202 and the new DQB1*0203 allele: a fourth pair of DQB1 alleles differing only at codon 57. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[54]  K. Tadokoro,et al.  Sequence of a new HLA-A allele (A*0218) encoding a serological variant, HLA-A2K, observed in Japanese. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[55]  D. Watkins,et al.  Identification of a new HLA-B*08 variant, HLA-B*0804. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[56]  K. Tadokoro,et al.  Identification of HLA-C alleles using PCR-single-strand-conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[57]  D. Leitner,et al.  Nucleotide sequence analysis of an HLA-B47 variant (HLA-B*4702). , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[58]  J. McCluskey,et al.  Stable inheritance of an HLA-"blank" phenotype associated with a structural mutation in the HLA-A*0301 gene. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[59]  F. Bach,et al.  Comparison of DR β1 alleles from diabetic and normal individuals , 1987 .

[60]  J. Trejaut,et al.  HLA‐DR2 HAPLOTYPIC DIVERSITY IN POPULATIONS OF SOUTH‐EAST ASIA, NORTHERN CHINA, MELANESIA AND AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES USING PCR‐RFLP FOR DRB1, DRB5, DQA1 AND DQB1. A NOVEL DRB1 ALLELE: DRB1 * 16022 , 1996, European journal of immunogenetics : official journal of the British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.

[61]  P. Terasaki,et al.  HLA-A* 1104: a new allele found in a Laotian family. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[62]  P. Kremsner,et al.  DPB1*BR: an Mhc class II DPB1 allele (DPB1*6601) of negroid origin , 1996, Immunogenetics.

[63]  G. Montoya,et al.  Strategy for distinguishing a new DQB1 allele (DQB1*0611) from the closely related DQB1*0602 allele via sequence specific PCR or direct DNA sequencing. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[64]  B. Böhm,et al.  DPB1*TF, a novel HLA class II DPB1 allele (DPB1*6701) identified in a Turkish family. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[65]  P. Kremsner,et al.  DPA1*0105, a novel DPA1 variant in a negroid population. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[66]  K. Tadokoro,et al.  DNA typing of Cw*14 alleles in Japanese and the corrected sequence of Cw*1402. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[67]  C. Hurley,et al.  Identification of a new allele, DRB1*1204, during routine PCR-SSOP typing of National Marrow Donor Program volunteers. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[68]  E. Adams,et al.  On the sequence of A*3101. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[69]  K. Tadokoro,et al.  Further molecular diversity in the HLA-B15 group. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[70]  H. Inoko,et al.  HLA-DRB4 genotyping by PCR-RFLP: diversity in the associations between HLA-DRB4 and DRB1 alleles. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[71]  M. E. Moreno,et al.  Molecular characterization of the new alleles HLA-B*8101 and B*4407. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[72]  R. Williams,et al.  Three new HLA-B alleles found in Mexican-Americans. , 1995, Tissue antigens.

[73]  A. Hughes,et al.  Molecular analysis of HLA-B35 alleles and their relationship to HLA-B15 alleles. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[74]  L. Baxter‐Lowe,et al.  Nucleotide sequence for HLA-A*2608 which encodes glutamine at codon 156. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[75]  T. Thye,et al.  A novel allele, DQB1*0307, in a West African family. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[76]  Arne Svejgaard,et al.  Nomenclature for Factors of the HLA System, 1995 , 1995, Vox sanguinis.

[77]  W. Hildebrand,et al.  Description of a modified sequencing strategy and the molecular characterization of HLA-B*8201. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[78]  C. Hurley,et al.  New DQwl diversity identified within DRwl2 and DRwl4 haplotypes , 1991 .

[79]  M. Bunce,et al.  Molecular cloning of two new HLA-C alleles: Cw*1801 and Cw*0706. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[80]  H. Erlich,et al.  Results of Expedicion Humana. II. Analysis of HLA class II alleles in three African American populations from Colombia using the PCR/SSOP: identification of a novel DQB1*02 (*0203) allele. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[81]  G. Sirchia,et al.  Brief communication Characterization of a new HLA‐DRB5 allele (DRB5*0105) by PCR‐SSP and direct sequencing , 1996 .

[82]  C. Voorter,et al.  Identification of a new DRB4 allele (DRB4*0105) by sequence-based typing. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[83]  A. Begovich,et al.  Three new DPB1 alleles identified in a Bantu-speaking population from central Cameroon. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

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[85]  I. Doxiadis,et al.  Six newly identified HLA-DRB alleles: DRB1*1121, *1419, *1420, *1421, DRB3*0203 and DRB5*0103. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[86]  F. Bach,et al.  cDNA cloning and sequencing reveals that the electrophoretically constant DR beta 2 molecules, as well as the variable DR beta 1 molecules, from HLA-DR2 subtypes have different amino acid sequences including a hypervariable region for a functionally important epitope. , 1987, Journal of immunology.

[87]  M. Tilanus,et al.  A new DRB1*15 allele (DRB1*1506) identified by sequence-based typing. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[88]  R. Vaughan,et al.  Identification of a new HLA-B*55 allele, HLA-B*5503. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[89]  C. Voorter,et al.  Identification of a new HLA-DRB1*13 allele (DRB1*1326) with a short DRB1*16 sequence. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[90]  M. Bunce,et al.  LONG‐RANGE PCR AMPLIFICATION AS AN ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY FOR CHARACTERIZING NOVEL HLA‐B ALLELES , 1996, European journal of immunogenetics : official journal of the British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.

[91]  A. Wölpl,et al.  A novel HLA-DR allele, DRB1*1419. , 1995, Tissue antigens.

[92]  M. J. Herrero,et al.  The complete primary structure of Cw*1701 reveals a highly divergent HLA class I molecule. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[93]  M. Nakagawa,et al.  Nucleotide sequence of a new DRB1*15 variant, 1505, in a Japanese family. , 1995, Tissue antigens.

[94]  M. Carrington,et al.  Three HLA-DMB variants in Korean patients with autoimmune diseases. , 1996, Human immunology.

[95]  K. Tokunaga,et al.  Five HLA-B22 group alleles in Japanese. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[96]  M. Barnardo,et al.  High resolution HLA-C typing by PCR-SSP: identification of allelic frequencies and linkage disequilibria in 604 unrelated random UK Caucasoids and a comparison with serology. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[97]  K. Tokunaga,et al.  Allele typing of HLA-A10 group by nested-PCR-low ionic strength single stranded conformation polymorphism and a novel A26 allele (A26KY, A*2605). , 1996, Human immunology.

[98]  Saburō Shiroyama In Los Angeles , 1989, Made in Japan and other Japanese “Business Novels”.

[99]  D. Middleton,et al.  A novel HLA-B allele, HLA-B*1803. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[100]  H. Inoko,et al.  Identification of a DRB1*0405 variant (DRB1*04052) using the PCR-RFLP method. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[101]  C. Hurley,et al.  Novel HLA-B alleles, B*8201, B*3515 and B*5106, add to the complexity of serologic identification of HLA types. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[102]  K. Tadokoro,et al.  Both HLA-B*1301 and B*1302 exist in Asian populations and are associated with different haplotypes. , 1995, Human immunology.

[103]  J. Huart,et al.  A novel HLA DRB1 allele (DRB1*0309). , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[104]  J. Bodmer,et al.  Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 1989. , 1990, Human immunology.

[105]  M. Bunce,et al.  Haplotypic association of two new HLA class I alleles: Cw*15052 and B*0706: evolutionary relationships of HLA-Cw*15 alleles. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[106]  E. Adams,et al.  Identification of a novel HLA-B40 allele (B*4008) in a patient with leukemia. , 1995, Tissue antigens.

[107]  Arne Svejgaard,et al.  Nomenclature for Factors of the HLA System, 1994 , 1994, Human immunology.

[108]  J. Teixidor Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique 1970 , 1970 .

[109]  M. Yamazaki,et al.  Identification of a novel HLA-B allele (B*4202) in a Saudi Arabian family with Behçet's disease. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[110]  J. Alcocer-Varela,et al.  Description of a novel HLA-B35 (B*3514) allele found in a Mexican family of Nahua Aztec descent. , 1996, Human immunology.

[111]  M. Torres,et al.  Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system. , 2011, Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

[112]  C. de Greef,et al.  A new silent mutation at codon 35 in exon 2 yielding DRB1*04012 allele. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[113]  A. Begovich,et al.  Two new DPB1 alleles identified in a study of the genetics of susceptibility to pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[114]  G. Jannes,et al.  Characterization of a new DQB1 allele (DQB1*0610) which differs from DQB1*0602 at the highly polymorphic 57-codon. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[115]  J. Hansen,et al.  Two new DR2 alleles: DRB1*1607 identified in an Ashkenazi Jewish family and DRB1*15022 found in a single Caucasian donor. , 1997, Tissue antigens.

[116]  F. Schindera,et al.  Nucleotide sequence of the corrected DQB1*06011 allele. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[117]  I. Buyse,et al.  Identification of a new DRB1*13 allele (DRB1*1320) and a novel DRB1*15 allele (DRB1*15012) with a silent mutation affecting oligotyping. , 1996, Tissue antigens.

[118]  C. Lutz,et al.  Correction of the HLA-Cw3 genomic sequence tentatively identifies it as HLA-Cw*0304 , 1996, Immunogenetics.

[119]  D. Huhn,et al.  A novel HLA-A30 allele (A*3004) identified by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and confirmed by solid-phase sequencing. , 1995, Tissue antigens.

[120]  M. Tilanus,et al.  Sequence of HLA-DRB1∗1606 is incorrect , 1996 .

[121]  C. Hurley,et al.  New DQw1 diversity identified within DRw12 and DRw14 haplotypes. , 1991, Tissue antigens.