조건부 가치측정법(CVM)을 이용한 자전거도로 건설에 따른 편익 산출에 관한 연구

In implementing transportation projects, benefits have been estimated using conventional benefit components. However, these components have a lot of assumptions and limitations for benefit estimations and thus it seems to be difficult to obtain values of parameters as well as to overlook benefits of non-market goods in calculation process. Inother words, current benefit estimations are considered that can be solely measured by directly depending on traffic volumes. Existing economic analysis do not reflect the full benefits, including direct and indirect of the project implementations. To illustrate this fact, bicycle road construction can result in various functional benefits, including improved quality of life, balanced regional development, and good scenery composition. These benefits can not be explained with conventional economic analysis. The objective of this research is to estimate valuation of bicycle road construction using Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). CVM can evaluate user's direct willingness-to-pay as well as maximize bicycle utilization with balanced regional development. This research used the coastline bicycle road construction project for example. The proposed method can be well calculated or estimated benefits for non-market goods of bicycle road constructions using CVM.