Integrated Solar-Thermal Power Plants: TPP Bitola Case Study
The potentials for usage of the solar energy as a renewable energy source, whether by
its conversion only into heat, indirect conversion into electricity using a prior generated thermal
energy, or direct conversion of solar energy into electric energy using the photoelectric effect, are
enormous. This paper presents a study for the development of an integrated solar-thermal power
plant (ISTPP) for repowering the existing goal-fired TPP Bitola. In the proposed plant, firstly
solar energy is concentrated and converted into thermal energy. Then, two potential scenarios for
utilization of the obtained thermal energy are investigated: (1) for direct heating of a working fluid
and electricity production in new thermal power plant, or (2) as a partial heat energy source
which could replace existing thermal energy generated by burning coal for steam and electricity
generation in the existing units of the TPP Bitola.