Goal-Aware Exploration Makes Learning in Hyperspace Constructive

The main problem addressed in this paper is how to help learners construct knowledge in exploring hyperspace provided by existing hypermedia/hypertext-based resources on the World Wide Web. Knowledge construction involving reflection needs an awareness of exploration goals, i.e., the reasons why learners have explored Web pages. The authors designed a learning tool called interactive history, which enables learners to annotate their exploration history with exploration goals arising from visiting Web pages. It also generates a knowledge map from the annotated exploration history, which spatially represents the semantic relationships among the Web pages explored. The results of a case study indicate that the interactive history promotes goal-aware exploration and reflection, particularly in a more complicated hyperspace. (Author/MES) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the "original document Goal-Aware Exploration Makes Learning in Hyperspace Constructive PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY