Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2012

Geological and environmental reference materials (RMs) play an important role in all fields of geochemical research, because they are necessary for calibration, quality control, method validation and to establish metrological traceability (Jochum and Enzweiler 2014). This annual bibliographic review gives an overview of articles in scientific journals in which analytical data of RMs and certified RMs (CRMs) were published in the year 2012. Bibliographic reviews have a long tradition in this Journal (since 1981), where Iwan Roelandts (1981–2000), Michel Valladon (2002–2006) and Klaus Peter Jochum and co-workers (since 2007) have undertaken the time-consuming literature research and the compilation of references.

[1]  E. Bourdon,et al.  Role of crustal and slab components in the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (Ecuador) constrained by Sr–Nd–O isotopes , 2012 .

[2]  I. Koch,et al.  Arsenic species extraction of biological marine samples (Periwinkles, Littorina littorea) from a highly contaminated site. , 2012, Talanta.

[3]  L. A. Sarsah,et al.  Assessment of metal contamination in an urban drainage system (using water and tilapia, Oreochromis spp.) in view of human health effect. A case study of some selected communities in Cape Coast township in Ghana , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[4]  K. Haase,et al.  Magmatic evolution of the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, and implications for continental crust formation , 2012, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.

[5]  Yue-heng Yang,et al.  Early Jurassic high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic rocks from the Tongshi intrusive complex, eastern North China Craton: Implication for crust–mantle interaction and post-collisional magmatism , 2012 .

[6]  M. Menzies,et al.  Melt-peridotite interaction in the Pre-Cambrian mantle beneath the western North China Craton: Petrology, geochemistry and Sr, Nd and Re isotopes , 2012 .

[7]  M. García-Vargas,et al.  Solid phase extraction of copper traces using poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) membrane disks modified with pyridoxal salicyloylhydrazone in water samples. , 2012, Talanta.

[8]  E. Ito,et al.  Empirical calibration of shell chemistry of cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) (Crustacea: Ostracoda) , 2012 .

[9]  M. Schulz,et al.  Biogenic and pedogenic controls on Si distributions and cycling in grasslands of the Santa Cruz soil chronosequence, California , 2012 .

[10]  M. Cathelineau,et al.  A major Late Jurassic fluid event at the basin/basement unconformity in western France: 40Ar/39Ar and K–Ar dating, fluid chemistry, and related geodynamic context , 2012 .

[11]  E. García-Ruiz,et al.  Direct analysis of silica by means of solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry , 2012 .

[12]  C. Zheng,et al.  Microwave-enhanced cold vapor generation for speciation analysis of mercury by atomic fluorescence spectrometry. , 2012, Talanta.

[13]  A. Sobolev,et al.  Parental melt of the Nadezhdinsky Formation: Geochemistry, petrology and connection with Cu-Ni deposits (Noril'sk area, Russia) , 2012 .

[14]  P. Ruprecht,et al.  Integrating the Uranium-Series and Elemental Diffusion Geochronometers in Mixed Magmas from Volcán Quizapu, Central Chile , 2012 .

[15]  T. Nägler,et al.  δ98/95Mo values and Molybdenum Concentration Data for NIST SRM 610, 612 and 3134: Towards a Common Protocol for Reporting Mo Data , 2012 .

[16]  T. Furman,et al.  Geochronology and geochemistry of the Essimingor volcano: Melting of metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath the North Tanzanian Divergence zone (East African Rift) , 2012 .

[17]  K. Gillis,et al.  Mineralogical and strontium isotopic record of hydrothermal processes in the lower ocean crust at and near the East Pacific Rise , 2012, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.

[18]  J. Lindsay,et al.  The inception and progression of melting in a monogenetic eruption: Motukorea Volcano, the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand , 2012 .

[19]  N. Rosenau,et al.  Conodont apatite δ18O values from a platform margin setting, Oklahoma, USA: Implications for initiation of Late Ordovician icehouse conditions , 2012 .

[20]  Bin Chen,et al.  Petrological and Sr–Nd–Os isotopic constraints on the origin of the Fanshan ultrapotassic complex from the North China Craton , 2012 .

[21]  M. Hu,et al.  Quantitative Analysis of Sulfide Minerals by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Using Glass Reference Materials with Matrix Normalization Plus Sulfur Internal Standardization Calibration , 2012 .

[22]  L. Stramma,et al.  Silicon isotope distribution in waters and surface sediments of the Peruvian coastal upwelling , 2012 .

[23]  I. Montañez,et al.  Diagenetic evaluation of a Pennsylvanian carbonate succession (Bird Spring Formation, Arrow Canyon, Nevada, U.S.A.) — 1: Brachiopod and whole rock comparison , 2012 .

[24]  Y. Asmerom,et al.  Increased continental weathering flux during orbital-scale sea-level highstands: Evidence from Nd and O isotope trends in Middle Pennsylvanian cyclic carbonates , 2012 .

[25]  W. Griffin,et al.  Triassic “adakitic” rocks in an extensional setting (North China): Melts from the cratonic lower crust , 2012 .

[26]  Shan Gao,et al.  Improved in situ Hf isotope ratio analysis of zircon using newly designed X skimmer cone and jet sample cone in combination with the addition of nitrogen by laser ablation multiple collector ICP-MS , 2012 .

[27]  R. Shekhar Improvement of sensitivity of electrolyte cathode discharge atomic emission spectrometry (ELCAD-AES) for mercury using acetic acid medium. , 2012, Talanta.

[28]  A. Hofmann,et al.  GeoReM: A New Geochemical Database for Reference Materials and Isotopic Standards , 2005 .

[29]  S. Cronin,et al.  How Small-volume Basaltic Magmatic Systems Develop: a Case Study from the Jeju Island Volcanic Field, Korea , 2012 .

[30]  K. S. Khoo,et al.  Development and implementation of Høgdahl convention and Westcott formalism for k0-INAA application at Malaysian Nuclear Agency reactor , 2011, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[31]  S. Landsberger,et al.  Trace elements in 11 fruits widely-consumed in the USA as determined by neutron activation analysis , 2011, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[32]  Wei-dong Yan,et al.  Preparation of Four Chromium Ore Reference Materials , 2012 .

[33]  J. Fagan,et al.  Use of neutron activation analysis for the characterization of single-wall carbon nanotube materials , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[34]  F. Veselovský,et al.  Atmospheric deposition of beryllium in Central Europe: comparison of soluble and insoluble fractions in rime and snow across a pollution gradient. , 2012, The Science of the total environment.

[35]  T. Pettke,et al.  Carbonate assimilation during magma evolution at Nisyros (Greece), South Aegean Arc: Evidence from clinopyroxenite xenoliths , 2012 .

[36]  Jinhua Liu,et al.  A micro-fluidic sub-microliter sample introduction system for direct analysis of Chinese rice wine by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using external aqueous calibration , 2012 .

[37]  H. O’Neill,et al.  Major and trace analysis of basaltic glasses by laser‐ablation ICP‐MS , 2012 .

[38]  T. Lapen,et al.  Metasomatic control of water contents in the Kaapvaal cratonic mantle , 2012 .

[39]  C. Guerrot,et al.  Heterogeneities and interconnections in groundwaters: Coupled B, Li and stable-isotope variations in a large aquifer system (Eocene Sand aquifer, Southwestern France) , 2012 .

[40]  He Huang,et al.  Picritic porphyrites generated in a slab-window setting: Implications for the transition from Paleo-Tethyan to Neo-Tethyan tectonics , 2012 .

[41]  S. Wilde,et al.  Zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope study of the Neoproterozoic Haizhou Group in the Sulu orogen: Provenance and tectonic implications , 2012 .

[42]  R. Loss,et al.  Zinc isotope fractionation analyses by thermal ionization mass spectrometry and a double spiking technique , 2012 .

[43]  S. Gíslason,et al.  Riverine particulate material dissolution as a significant flux of strontium to the oceans , 2012 .

[44]  W. Fan,et al.  Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of middle Paleozoic Kwangsian massive granites in the eastern South China Block , 2012 .

[45]  R. D. Fernández,et al.  Sm–Nd isotope geochemistry and tectonic setting of the metasedimentary rocks from the basal allochthonous units of NW Iberia (Variscan suture, Galicia) , 2012 .

[46]  K. Haase,et al.  Lithium Isotope Variations in Ocean Island Basalts—Implications for the Development of Mantle Heterogeneity , 2012 .

[47]  P. Fichet,et al.  Analysis of twenty five impurities in uranium matrix by ICP-MS with iron measurement optimized by using reaction collision cell, cold plasma or medium resolution. , 2012, Talanta.

[48]  Jennifer N. Gifford,et al.  Lu–Hf systematics of magmatic zircons reveal a Proterozoic crustal boundary under the Cretaceous Pioneer batholith, Montana , 2012 .

[49]  P. Degryse,et al.  Roman glass across the Empire: an elemental and isotopic characterization , 2012 .

[50]  M. Ulrich,et al.  Accurate Measurement of Rare Earth Elements by ICP‐MS after Ion‐Exchange Separation: Application to Ultra‐Depleted Samples , 2012 .

[51]  P. Cartigny,et al.  Determination of multiple sulfur isotopes in glasses: A reappraisal of the MORB δ34S , 2012 .

[52]  J. Wooden,et al.  Timing of eclogite-facies metamorphism of the Chuacús complex, Central Guatemala: Record of Late Cretaceous continental subduction of North America's sialic basement , 2012 .

[53]  J. Vervoort,et al.  Timing of eclogite facies metamorphism in the North Qinling by U-Pb and Lu-Hf geochronology , 2012 .

[54]  A. Galy,et al.  Anthropogenic accumulation of metals and metalloids in carbonate-rich sediments: Insights from the ancient harbor setting of Tyre (Lebanon) , 2012 .

[55]  R. Stevenson,et al.  Geochemistry, Nd isotopes and U–Pb geochronology of a 2350 Ma TTG suite, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Implications for the crustal evolution of the southern São Francisco craton , 2012 .

[56]  A. Mudholkar,et al.  Distribution of REEs and yttrium among major geochemical phases of marine Fe-Mn-oxides: Comparative study between hydrogenous and hydrothermal deposits , 2012 .

[57]  Shaofeng Wang,et al.  Comparison of mercury speciation and distribution in the water column and sediments between the algal type zone and the macrophytic type zone in a hypereutrophic lake (Dianchi Lake) in Southwestern China. , 2012, The Science of the total environment.

[58]  S. D. White,et al.  Neutron activation analysis of antimony in soils: a comparison of NAA with digestion/ICP-MS methods and ‘consensus’ laboratory data , 2011, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[59]  E. Bulska,et al.  Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in comparison with neutron activation and ion chromatography with UV/VIS detection for the determination of lanthanides in plant materials. , 2012, Talanta.

[60]  C. Romanek,et al.  Magnesium isotope fractionation during precipitation of inorganic calcite under laboratory conditions , 2012 .

[61]  M. Kohn,et al.  Paleoecology of late Pleistocene–Holocene faunas of eastern and central Wyoming, USA, with implications for LGM climate models , 2012 .

[62]  P. Sarita,et al.  Trace elements in the scalp hair of patients with alcohol induced psychosis , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[63]  T. Kusky,et al.  Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic basalts from Sugetbrak, northwest Tarim block, China: Implications for the onset of Rodinia supercontinent breakup , 2012 .

[64]  Influence of agricultural practice on trace metals in soils and vegetation in the water conservation area along the East River (Dongjiang River), South China. , 2012, The Science of the total environment.

[65]  R. Arculus,et al.  Inter-element fractionation of highly siderophile elements in the Tonga Arc due to flux melting of a depleted source , 2012 .

[66]  O. Rouxel,et al.  Sulfur-33 constraints on the origin of secondary pyrite in altered oceanic basement , 2012 .

[67]  J. Farquhar,et al.  Multiple sulfur isotopes in Paleoarchean barites identify an important role for microbial sulfate reduction in the early marine environment , 2012 .

[68]  T. Vennemann,et al.  Amphiboles as indicators of mantle source contamination: Combined evaluation of stable H and O isotope compositions and trace element ratios , 2012 .

[69]  F. Black,et al.  Factors controlling the abiotic photo-degradation of monomethylmercury in surface waters , 2012 .

[70]  S. Hamilton,et al.  Impacts of glacial/interglacial cycles on continental rock weathering inferred using Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in Michigan watersheds , 2012 .

[71]  A. Kerr,et al.  Iron isotopes in ancient and modern komatiites: Evidence in support of an oxidised mantle from Archean to present , 2012 .

[72]  T. Thordarson,et al.  Mush Disaggregation in Basaltic Magma Chambers: Evidence from the AD 1783 Laki Eruption , 2012 .

[73]  R. Swennen,et al.  Potential release of selected trace elements (As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn) from sediments in Cam River-mouth (Vietnam) under influence of pH and oxidation. , 2012, The Science of the total environment.

[74]  S. Wilde,et al.  Reactivation of the Archean lower crust: Implications for zircon geochronology, elemental and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic geochemistry of late Mesozoic granitoids from northwestern Jiaodong Terrane, the North China Craton , 2012 .

[75]  K. Cooper,et al.  Constraints on the nature of the subvolcanic reservoir at South Sister volcano, Oregon from U-series dating combined with sub-crystal trace-element analysis of plagioclase and zircon , 2012 .

[76]  S. Walas,et al.  Application of multiwall carbon nanotubes impregnated with 5-dodecylsalicylaldoxime for on-line copper preconcentration and determination in water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. , 2012, Talanta.

[77]  T. Done,et al.  Spatial variability of initial 230Th/232Th in modern Porites from the inshore region of the Great Barrier Reef , 2012 .

[78]  Zhenyu He,et al.  Petrogenesis of the Late Yanshanian mantle-derived intrusions in southeastern China: Response to the geodynamics of paleo-Pacific plate subduction , 2012 .

[79]  N. Siddique,et al.  Evaluation of laboratory performance using proficiency test exercise results , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[80]  C. Spandler,et al.  Granite, gabbro and mafic microgranular enclaves in the Gejiu area, Yunnan Province, China: a case of two-stage mixing of crust- and mantle-derived magmas , 2012, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.

[81]  J. Richter,et al.  Analysis of arsenic species in fish after derivatization by GC-MS. , 2012, Talanta.

[82]  Yi He,et al.  Elemental fingerprint profile of beer samples constructed using 14 elements determined by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS): multivariation analysis and potential application to forensic sample comparison , 2011, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.

[83]  J. Erez,et al.  Uptake of alkaline earth metals in Alcyonarian spicules (Octocorallia) , 2012 .

[84]  D. Günther,et al.  Refractory element fractionation in the Allende meteorite: Implications for solar nebula condensation and the chondritic composition of planetary bodies , 2012 .

[85]  B. Bourdon,et al.  Experimental evidence for the absence of iron isotope fractionation between metal and silicate liquids at 1 GPa and 1250–1300 °C and its cosmochemical consequences , 2012 .

[86]  H. Austrheim,et al.  Deformation-related alteration of basaltic clasts during deep burial in sedimentary basins , 2012 .

[87]  Maria Goreti R. Vale,et al.  Determination of arsenic and cadmium in crude oil by direct sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry , 2012 .

[88]  A. Youssefi,et al.  Multivariate optimization on flow-injection electrochemical hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry of cadmium. , 2012, Talanta.

[89]  M. Lewan,et al.  Evaluating Re–Os systematics in organic-rich sedimentary rocks in response to petroleum generation using hydrous pyrolysis experiments , 2012 .

[90]  D. Beauchemin,et al.  A simple method using on-line continuous leaching and ion exchange chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the speciation analysis of bio-accessible arsenic in rice. , 2012, Analytica chimica acta.

[91]  T. Barry,et al.  Cenozoic Volcanism on the Hangai Dome, Central Mongolia: Geochemical Evidence for Changing Melt Sources and Implications for Mechanisms of Melting , 2012 .

[92]  R. Sathyapriya,et al.  Estimation of thorium intake due to consumption of vegetables by inhabitants of high background radiation area by INAA , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[93]  D. Canil,et al.  Experimental study of the partitioning of Cu during partial melting of Earth's mantle , 2012 .

[94]  D. Liang,et al.  Selenium fractionation and speciation in agriculture soils and accumulation in corn (Zea mays L.) under field conditions in Shaanxi Province, China. , 2012, The Science of the total environment.

[95]  D. Ionov,et al.  Depth, degrees and tectonic settings of mantle melting during craton formation: inferences from major and trace element compositions of spinel harzburgite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite, central Siberia , 2012 .

[96]  J. Pavón,et al.  Multi-element determination of Pt, Pd and Ir traces in environmental samples by ICP-MS after pre-concentration. , 2012 .

[97]  Ji-hoon Kim,et al.  The effect of diagenesis and fluid migration on rare earth element distribution in pore fluids of the northern Cascadia accretionary margin , 2012 .

[98]  D. Wyman,et al.  Late Early Cretaceous adakitic granitoids and associated magnesian and potassium‐rich mafic enclaves and dikes in the Tunchang–Fengmu area, Hainan Province (South China): Partial melting of lower crust and mantle, and magma hybridization , 2012 .

[99]  K. Jochum,et al.  Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2007 , 2008 .

[100]  D. Davis,et al.  Determination of the decay-constant of 87Rb by laboratory accumulation of 87Sr , 2012 .

[101]  Qin Xu,et al.  Extraction and preconcentration of trace levels of cobalt using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles in a sequential injection lab-on-valve system with detection by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. , 2012, Analytica chimica acta.

[102]  U. Karst,et al.  Nitrogen purged TXRF for the quantification of silver and palladium , 2012 .

[103]  E. M. Barnes,et al.  Significant Li isotope fractionation in geochemically evolved rare element-bearing pegmatites from the Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group, NWT, Canada , 2012 .

[104]  M. A. Alvarez,et al.  Simultaneous determination of arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, nickel, lead and thallium in total digested sediment samples and available fractions by electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectroscopy (ET AAS). , 2012, Talanta.

[105]  George R. Rossman,et al.  Quantitative laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of potassium for in-situ geochronology on Mars , 2012 .

[106]  J. Nriagu,et al.  High levels of uranium in groundwater of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. , 2012, The Science of the total environment.

[107]  H. Paulick,et al.  Petrogenesis of Mafic to Felsic Lavas from the Oligocene Siebengebirge Volcanic Field (Germany): Implications for the Origin of Intracontinental Volcanism in Central Europe , 2012 .

[108]  C. Manning,et al.  Experimental determination of equilibrium nickel isotope fractionation between metal and silicate from 500 C to 950 C , 2012 .

[109]  I. Koch,et al.  Arsenic distribution and speciation in Daphnia pulex. , 2012, The Science of the total environment.

[110]  Ki‐Hyun Kim,et al.  The geographical origin and chemical composition in phellinus mushrooms measured by instrumental neutron activation analysis , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[111]  Sunil Kumar Singh,et al.  Sr and 87Sr/86Sr in estuaries of western India: Impact of submarine groundwater discharge , 2012 .

[112]  C. Weisener,et al.  Extreme element mobility during transformation of Neoarchean (ca. 2.7Ga) pillow basalts to a Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1.9Ga) paleosol, Schreiber Beach, Ontario, Canada , 2012 .

[113]  E. C. P. M. Sousa,et al.  Vanadium biomonitoring by using Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) mussels transplanted in the coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil , 2011, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[114]  F. Albarède,et al.  Er and Yb isotope fractionation in planetary materials , 2012 .

[115]  H. Bem,et al.  Uranium isotopes as a tracer of groundwater transport studies , 2011, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[116]  Wei-dong Sun,et al.  The formation of the Dabaoshan porphyry molybdenum deposit induced by slab rollback , 2012 .

[117]  R. Hauser-Davis,et al.  Determination of Ca, Mg, Sr and Ba in crude oil samples by atomic absorption spectrometry , 2012 .

[118]  P. Trikalitis,et al.  Disposable screen-printed sensors modified with bismuth precursor compounds for the rapid voltammetric screening of trace Pb(II) and Cd(II). , 2012, Analytica chimica acta.

[119]  Hong-lin Yuan,et al.  Cambrian bimodal volcanism in the Lhasa Terrane, southern Tibet: Record of an early Paleozoic Andean-type magmatic arc in the Australian proto-Tethyan margin , 2012 .

[120]  Xiangkun Zhu,et al.  Iron isotope evidence for multistage melt–peridotite interactions in the lithospheric mantle of eastern China , 2012 .

[121]  Serap Seyhan Bozkurt,et al.  Use of pyrocatechol violet modified sodium dodecyl sulfate coated on alumina for separation and preconcentration of uranium(VI) , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[122]  A. Gerdes,et al.  Insights on the crustal evolution of the West African Craton from Hf isotopes in detrital zircons from the Anti-Atlas belt , 2012 .

[123]  K. Grönvold,et al.  Melting of a Two-component Source beneath Iceland , 2012 .

[124]  T. Gill,et al.  Intercomparison of PIXE and ICP‐AES Analyses of Aeolian Dust from Owens (Dry) Lake, California , 2012 .

[125]  M. Freitas,et al.  Assessment of bioaccumulation of REEs by plant species in a mining area by INAA , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[126]  R. Acharya,et al.  Characterization of pneumatic fast transfer system irradiation position of KAMINI reactor for k0-based NAA , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[127]  Liwu Li,et al.  Inter-laboratory calibration of natural gas round robins for δ2H and δ13C using off-line and on-line techniques , 2012 .

[128]  P. Tchounwou,et al.  Determination of mercury in fish otoliths by cold vapor generation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CVG-ICP-MS). , 2012, Talanta.

[129]  Y. Podladchikov,et al.  Volcanic arcs fed by rapid pulsed fluid flow through subducting slabs , 2012 .

[130]  G. Ludvigson,et al.  Water utilization of the Cretaceous Mussentuchit Member local vertebrate fauna, Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA: Using oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate , 2012 .

[131]  Wei Yang,et al.  Magnesium isotopic systematics of continental basalts from the North China craton: Implications for tracing subducted carbonate in the mantle , 2012 .

[132]  M. Amjadi,et al.  Separation and preconcentration of trace quantities of copper ion using modified alumina nanoparticles, and its determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry , 2012, Microchimica Acta.

[133]  T. Furman,et al.  Upper mantle pollution during Afar plume-continental rift interaction , 2012 .

[134]  Yue-heng Yang,et al.  Evaluation of sample dissolution method for Sm-Nd isotopic analysis of scheelite , 2012 .

[135]  N. Siddique,et al.  Determination of heavy metals in air conditioner dust using FAAS and INAA , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[136]  P. Dasgupta,et al.  Automated on-line preconcentration of trace aqueous mercury with gold trap focusing for cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. , 2012, Talanta.

[137]  Uwe Nohl,et al.  Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2011 , 2012 .

[138]  Xu Zhang,et al.  Preconcentration and speciation of ultra-trace Se (IV) and Se (VI) in environmental water samples with nano-sized TiO2 colloid and determination by HG-AFS. , 2012, Talanta.

[139]  W. Griffin,et al.  Multi-stage origin of Roberts Victor eclogites: Progressive metasomatism and its isotopic effects , 2012 .

[140]  He Li,et al.  Geochemical constraints on a mixed pyroxenite–peridotite source for East Pacific Rise basalts , 2012 .

[141]  P. Zagrodzki,et al.  Determination of iodine concentration in aqueous solutions by proton activation analysis: preliminary results for digested human thyroids , 2012, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

[142]  E. Watson,et al.  Magnesium isotope fractionation by chemical diffusion in natural settings and in laboratory analogues , 2012 .

[143]  H. Guillou,et al.  Extreme 230Th excesses in magnesian andesites from Baja California , 2012 .

[144]  Yong‐Fei Zheng,et al.  Modification of subcontinental lithospheric mantle above continental subduction zone: Constraints from geochemistry of Mesozoic gabbroic rocks in southeastern North China , 2012 .

[145]  I. Rucandio,et al.  A methodological approach to evaluate arsenic speciation and bioaccumulation in different plant species from two highly polluted mining areas. , 2012, The Science of the total environment.

[146]  J. Darling,et al.  In-situ Pb isotope analysis of Fe–Ni–Cu sulphides by laser ablation multi-collector ICPMS: New insights into ore formation in the Sudbury impact melt sheet , 2012 .

[147]  E. Tipper,et al.  Seasonal sensitivity of weathering processes: Hints from magnesium isotopes in a glacial stream , 2012 .

[148]  B. Lollar,et al.  Ammonium stability and nitrogen isotope fractionations for NH4+–NH3(aq)–NH3(gas) systems at 20–70 °C and pH of 2–13: Applications to habitability and nitrogen cycling in low-temperature hydrothermal systems , 2012 .

[149]  Cai-xia Zhang,et al.  The influence of near-surface winds on the Sr isotope composition of aeolian sediments: a wind tunnel experiment , 2012 .

[150]  P. Statham,et al.  A new methodology for precise cadmium isotope analyses of seawater , 2009, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.

[151]  K. Jochum,et al.  Reference materials in geochemical and environmental research , 2014 .

[152]  K. Mezger,et al.  A possible high Nb/Ta reservoir in the continental lithospheric mantle and consequences on the global Nb budget – Evidence from continental basalts from Central Germany , 2012 .

[153]  S. Gíslason,et al.  Lithium, magnesium and silicon isotope behaviour accompanying weathering in a basaltic soil and pore water profile in Iceland , 2012 .

[154]  R. Düring,et al.  Microwave assisted EDTA extraction-determination of pseudo total contents of distinct trace elements in solid environmental matrices. , 2012, Talanta.

[155]  A. Boyce,et al.  Zn, Fe and S isotope fractionation in a large hydrothermal system , 2012 .

[156]  R. Vannucci,et al.  Petrology, Trace Element and Sr, Nd, Hf Isotope Geochemistry of the North Lanzo Peridotite Massif (Western Alps, Italy) , 2012 .

[157]  K. Jochum,et al.  Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2009 , 2010 .

[158]  Laura Piñuela,et al.  High-resolution chemostratigraphic records from Lower Pliensbachian belemnites: Palaeoclimatic perturbations, organic facies and water mass exchange (Asturian basin, northern Spain) , 2012 .

[159]  Ping Shen,et al.  Northwestern Junggar Basin, Xiemisitai Mountains, China: A geochemical and geochronological approach , 2012 .

[160]  P. Bermejo-Barrera,et al.  Comparison of two lab-made spray chambers based on MSIS™ for simultaneous metal determination using vapor generation-inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. , 2012, Analytica chimica acta.

[161]  J. Valley,et al.  Relative retention of trace element and oxygen isotope ratios in zircon from Archean rhyolite, Panorama Formation, North Pole Dome, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia , 2012 .

[162]  Wei Yang,et al.  Precise micrometre-sized Pb-Pb and U-Pb dating with NanoSIMS , 2012 .

[163]  Shiuh-Jen Jiang,et al.  Cloud point extraction combined with flow injection vapor generation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for preconcentration and determination of ultra trace Cd, Sb and Hg in water samples , 2012 .

[164]  M. Costas,et al.  Use of high-intensity sonication for pre-treatment of biological tissues prior to multielemental analysis by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry , 2012 .

[165]  L. Martínez,et al.  The use of electrothermal vaporizer coupled to the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the determination of arsenic, selenium and transition metals in biological samples treated with formic acid. , 2012, Analytica chimica acta.

[166]  R. Hanson,et al.  Geochemistry and petrogenesis of mafic sills in the 1.1 Ga Umkondo large igneous province, southern Africa , 2012 .

[167]  G. Deves,et al.  Chemical element imaging for speleothem geochemistry: Application to a uranium-bearing corallite with aragonite diagenesis to opal (Eastern Siberia, Russia) , 2012 .

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