Increased α2- and β1-adrenoceptor densities in postmortem brain of subjects with depression: differential effect of antidepressant treatment.

BACKGROUND Brain α2- and β-adrenoceptor alterations have been suggested in suicide and major depressive disorder. METHODS The densities of α2-, β1- and β2-adrenoceptors in postmortem prefrontal cortex of 26 subjects with depression were compared with those of age-, gender- and postmortem delay-matched controls. The effect of antidepressant treatment on α2- and β-adrenoceptor densities was also evaluated. α2- and β-adrenoceptor densities were measured by saturation experiments with respective radioligands [(3)H]UK14304 and [(3)H]CGP12177. β1- and β2-adrenoceptor subtype densities were dissected by means of β1-adrenoceptor selective antagonist CGP20712A. RESULTS Both, α2- and β1-adrenoceptors densities were higher in antidepressant-free depressed subjects (n=14) than those in matched controls (Δ~24%, p=0.013 and Δ~20%, p=0.044, respectively). In antidepressant-treated subjects (n=12), α2-adrenoceptor density remained increased over that in controls (Δ~20%), suggesting a resistance of α2-adrenoceptors to the down-regulatory effect of antidepressants. By contrast, β1-adrenoceptor density in antidepressant-treated depressed subjects was not different from controls, suggesting a possible down-regulation by antidepressants. The down-regulation of β1-adrenoceptor density in antidepressant-treated depressed subjects differs from the unaltered β1-adrenoceptor density observed in citalopram-treated rats and in a group of non-depressed subjects also treated with antidepressants (n=6). β2-adrenoceptor density was not altered in depressed subjects independently of treatment. LIMITATIONS Antidepressant-treated subjects had been treated with a heterogeneous variety of antidepressant drugs. The results should be understood in the context of suicide victims with depression. CONCLUSIONS These results show the up-regulation of brain α2- and β1-adrenoceptors in depression and suggest that the regulation induced by chronic antidepressant treatment would be altered in these subjects.

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