Greenhouse gas emissions for shipping and implementation guidance for the Marine Fuel Sulphur Directive

With regard to the enforcement of EU Directive 2005/33/EC the report describes different compliance options, their design and construction as well as resulting operational procedures. A short overview of estimated capital and operational costs is given. As a guidance for Administrations, the shipping industry and other parties involved, inspection and enforcement messures are described. Finally some ideas on additional enforcement action are presented. Germanischer Lloyd, department „ Combustion Engines“ (NPC) Performance Released by Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Krapp, Head of Department ERD Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Gotze, Head of Department Dipl.-Ing. Claus Hadler, Head of Competence Center Responsible expert(s) in charge Ship propulsion and electrical systems Revision No.: Interim Report Date of latest revision: 2006-07-10 Keyword(s) No. of pages Status Exhaust Gas Emissions