Verification of computed strains in concrete pavement slabs by field measurements

As part of a research effort, load testing was conducted on a test road to verify the effectiveness of an analytical model, FEACONS, in predicting load induced stresses in concrete pavement slabs. Loads were applied by a failing weight deflectometer (FWD) and the test road was located at the Florida Department of Transportation Materials Office at Gainesville, Florida. Three sets of tests were performed within a period of one year, from July 1988 to June 1989. Loads were applied at slab center, edge, corner and joint center. Strains caused by the FWD loads were measured by strain gages placed on top of the concrete slab. The first two sets of tests were not successful. However, valuable experience obtained from them was very helpful in setting up the plan for the third test. For the third set of tests, the computed and measured strains were close to each other, especially at higher strain levels. Therefore, the analytical too FEACONS was deemed suitable for rigid pavement analysis.