The need for information is very high, resulting in the presentation of informationrequired very quick and precise. Internet is a place for people to obtain the desired information. Rapid development of the Internet, it is used the smartphone manufacturers are competing to make the communication tools that are practical and flexible namely smartphones. Android is the operating system most quickly update the operating system version and a modified Linux kernel. Boarding House-Based Information System Android, useful as a provider of complete information concerning the boarding house from a boarding facility, rental rates, location of boarding, and other boarding information. As for the first semester students or new students who like busy with hectic class schedules can order online boarding. And convenience for the owner of the boarding house, they can join or promote his boarding house into the system. When boarding houses deserve to be promoted then the admin will promote. Because each new incoming data is boarding should be selected in advance by admin.Boarding House-Based Information System Android, built using descriptive method with case study AUB Surakarta region. Mechanical analysis of system vulnerabilities using PIECES analysis (Performance, Information, Economy, cotrol, Efficiency, and Service). For technical systems development using the waterfall method, to illustrate the flow of data using UML. Software used to build this system is Android Studio and XAMPP as a connection to the MySQL database. Based on the testing that was done using a blackbox testing, a system built to help the problems facing students and the owner of the boarding house Keywords : Boarding House Information Systems, Android Studio