HŘIVNA, L., RICHTER, R., RYANT, P., PŘIKOPA, M.: The eff ect of the previous crop and diff erentiated fertilisation on yields and content of N-substances in spring barley grain. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2009, LVII, No. 5, pp. 141–148 In small-plot experiments established in 2001–2004 we studied the eff ect of the chemical composition of the plant dry matter of spring barley, varieties Kompakt and Jersey, on grain yields. A re la tive ly strong correlation was confi rmed between the chemical composition of the plant dry matter and yields. The correlation was most intensive in the case of nitrogen (r = 0.536), phosphorus (r = 0.503), magnesium (r = 0.464) and sulphur (r = 0.431) at the beginning of shooting (DC 30); in the case of potassium (r = 0.557) at the beginning of tillering (DC 23) and calcium (r = 0.530) during ear formation (DC 55). A relatively strong correlation remained from the beginning of tillering to the beginning of ear formation and later decreased. The weather conditions of the year and variety signifi cantly affected grain yields and also the previous crop was important. Grain yields of the variety Kompakt were statistically signifi cantly lower than of the variety Jersey (6.02 t . ha −1 and 6.45 t . ha −1 , respectively).
D. Miralles,et al.
The influence of fertiliser nitrogen application on development and number of reproductive primordia in field-grown two- and six-rowed barleys
J. Petr,et al.
Quality of malting barley grown under different cultivation systems.
John W. Anderson,et al.
Effect of sulphur nutrition on redistribution of sulphur in vegetative barley
P. Schwarz,et al.
Nitrogen and Planting Date Effects on Low‐Protein Spring Barley
D. G. Christian,et al.
The effect of the previous crop on the growth, nitrogen uptake and yield of winter barley intended for malting
J. Baier,et al.
Analysis of nutrition factors in spring barley.
A. L. Lang,et al.
Translocation of Sulfate in Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr).
Plant physiology.