How To Write Shared Libraries

Today, shared libraries are ubiquitous. Developers use them for multiple reasons and create them just as they would create application code. This is a problem, though, since on many platforms some additional techniques must be applied even to generate decent code. Even more knowledge is needed to generate optimized code. This paper introduces the required rules and techniques. In addition, it introduces the concept of ABI (Application Binary Interface) stability and shows how to manage it. 1 Preface For a long time, programmers collected commonly used code in libraries so that code could be reused. This saves development time and reduces errors since reused code only has to be debugged once. With systems running dozens or hundreds of processes at the same time reuse of the code at link-time solves only part of the problem. Many processes will use the same pieces of code which they import for libraries. With the memory management systems in modern operating systems it is also possible to share the code at run-time. This is done by loading the code into physical memory only once and reusing it in multiple processes via virtual memory. Libraries of this kind are called shared libraries. The concept is not very new. Operating system designers implemented extensions to their system using the infrastructure they used before. The extension to the OS could be done transparently for the user. But the parts the user directly has to deal with created initially problems.