The Two Creeks forest bed, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin
In 1930-1931 a detailed study of one hundred feet of the exposed forest bed southeast of Two Creeks, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, was made (Wilson, 1932). The glacial and ecological histories were discussed and shown to be an important phase in the biotic conditions associated with the later advances of the Wisconsin ice sheets. At that time it was noted that other exposures existed several miles northward in the clay banks on the lake shore. These exposures when investigated proved to have a slightly different history from those of the more southern exposure. The soils upon which the fossil forest developed are in places sandy instead of a heavy red clay. The soils above the forest bed horizon are varied and indicate that they were deposited in ponded glacial waters. With ecological and glacial conditions differing slightly from the southern exposure the present investigation was undertaken in hope that a fuller biological knowledge of the Forest Bed Subinterval might be gained. Several field trips, during the past three years, have been made to the northern exposures where materials were collected for further study. In June 1933 and May 1934 one portion approximately thirty feet in length was critically examined for organic remains, and the results recorded are from this part of the forest bed. The location of this exposure is on the lake shore approximately seventy-five yards south of the KewauneeManitowoc County line in Section 2, Township 21 North, Range 24 East.